thirty-one : trouble

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Another day, another practice.

The team lined up for drills, practice was normal for them. The coaches decided to run shooting drills, as tempting as it was to shoot a puck at Rory's head, Christopher held back.

"All right team, scrimmage. Campbell, Panchak, on goals. When I call your name and number report to this half of the ice. 21 Mikhailov, 96 Grayson, 43 Gonzales, 16 Lee, 00 Sharpe,14 Sato. And 99 Hayes, 33 Leroux, 09 Barlowe, 04 Han, 22 Sharpe, 07 De Luca, on the other half. Hayes! Sharpe! Prepare to face off." Ms. Alastair announced.
"Good luck handsome." Matthew smirked at Christopher.
"I'll be gentle." Christopher smirked.
"Good luck Matthew." Rory said, placing a hand around Matthew's waist.

They lined up at face off.

"May the best man win." Rory smirked at him.
"Yes he shall." Christopher smirked back.

The puck dropped, Christopher immediately shot it back to his side and shoulder checked Rory. He knocked him flat on his ass.

"You're a long way from home, Vegas." Christopher snickered.

Christopher caught up with his team and began to assist in trying to score a goal. Matthew stole the puck back and passed it to Elliot, he was backed against a wall so he passed to Rory. Rory took the puck and started heading down the ice, Christopher stole the puck from him and pushed him slightly, passing the puck to Dylan. Dylan showed off her shooting skills, she made a straight sniper shot into the goal. She celebrated as her team did with her.

"That was some good shooting Sharpe!" a player said.
"We're gonna have to call you the Sharpe shooter!" Another player said.
"Nice shot Sharpe, keep it up." Christopher encouraged her.
"Thanks captain." Dylan smiled.

A coach blew their whistle.

"Alright! Grayson and Sharpe! Face off!" Ms. Alastair said.

They lined up again.

"Nice shot." Matthew said as he bent down for face off.
"Thanks." Dylan smiled.

The whistle blew, Matthew got the puck and passed it to Elliot. Elliot was going for the goal, they slap shotted the puck right into the goal. Matthew went in for a hug.

"Nice shot!" Matthew rejoiced.
"Thanks!" Elliot said, Dylan skated over.
"That was really good!" Dylan slightly blushed.
"Thanks, you aren't too bad yourself." Elliot fought back his flustered-ness.

They scrimmaged for the rest of practice, Christopher's team won. Matthew was a good sport and congratulated him. Dylan shook Elliot's hand. Rory was less than pleased, he shoved Christopher into a locker in the locker room.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Rory yelled.
"What do you mean?" Christopher played dumb.

Matthew was getting serious deja vu.

"What is your fucking problem?" Rory yelled again.
"I have no clue what you're talking about." Christopher scoffed.
"Yeah? Why'd you hit me so god damn hard then?" Rory remarked.
"It's hockey Sharpe, if you can't take it then don't play." Christopher responded, throwing his stuff in his bag.
"Oh I can take it. You just don't have to be a dick about it." Rory scoffed.
"I wasn't being one. That is simply how hard I hit." Christopher tried not to smile.
"Didn't know our captain was such an asshole." Rory quietly remarked.
"What did you just say?" Christopher started charging towards Rory, Matthew intervened.
"Whoa! Stop it. You knock it off." Matthew pushed Rory a bit. "You go cool down." Matthew nudged Christopher. "Start acting like teammates, Damnit. You're acting like jack-asses!" Matthew yelled.
"Wow. I've never seen Chris that angry." Elliot said.
"Yeah, Rory does that to you." Dylan sighed. "I'm so sorry about that." She apologized.
"Don't sweat it. Chris will calm down in a bit, he's just protective of his team and all. He likes you though." Matthew said.
"Really? I thought he was just being hospitable. I thought he hated me." Dylan chuckled.
"He does that too." Elliot laughed.
"Yeah, he's really sweet once you get to know him. He just acts like a jackass when challenged." Matthew smirked.
"Challenged?" Dylan asked.
"Your brother put his hand around my waist, you're lucky he didn't kill him." Matthew laughed.
"Wow, I'm going to kill him." Dylan sighed. "His dumbass probably left me here too. Fucking asshole." Dylan threw her pads in her bag.
"You want a ride?" Matthew asked.
"I don't wanna be any trouble." Dylan chuckled.
"Trust me, Chris is such a gentleman. If I didn't offer first he would've." Matthew chuckled.
"Yeah, thank you." Dylan thanked him.

They grabbed their gear and headed outside. Matthew went and got Christopher.

"You cool off?" Matthew asked as he sat down next to him.
"Yeah. I am so sorry for my behavior." Christopher apologized.
"It's okay, just please do not get into a fight over me. You can hit him all you want on the ice but, for the love of god if I have to pick your ass up off the floor I'm going to be so pissed." Matthew laughed.
"I know." Christopher laughed with him.
"Come on handsome. We're giving Dylan a ride, her asshole brother left her here." Matthew said.
"Really? Shit, I feel so bad." Christopher sighed.
"He probably would've left her either way." Matthew held his hand.

They walked over to where Elliot and Dylan were waiting for them.

"I am so sorry for my brother's behavior." Dylan apologized profusely.
"No I'm the one who's sorry. I was very unprofessional and an asshole." Christopher chuckled.
"Would you like to join us for dinner?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah, that would be amazing. I don't have my wallet though." Dylan said.
"Don't worry about it. It's on me." Christopher smiled.
"Thank you so much." Dylan said.
"We better get going if we're gonna beat the dinner rush." Elliot urged.

They walked over to Christopher's car. Dylan was astonished by his car.

"Is this yours?" Dylan asked.
"Yep, this is my baby." Christopher smiled as he popped the trunk.
"She's beautiful." Dylan said.
"Thank you. She's a beast." Christopher smiled.
"I'm sorry if I'm sending signals. I know you're taken, I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable around me." Dylan stated.
"Y-you know?" Christopher was flabbergasted.
"Yeah, my brother has a tendency to flirt with taken people. It's the weirdest thing." Dylan scoffed. "Don't worry I won't say anything. It's not my place." Dylan smiled.
"Thank you." Christopher sighed.

They hopped in the car and started towards the restaurant they'd have dinner at.

"You like classic rock?" Christopher asked as Dylan got in the car.
"Yeah!" Dylan responded.
"Good, because that and lowrider oldies are all he plays in the car." Elliot joked.
"Don't knock the jams I play in the car." Christopher laughed.
"You guys are so cool." Dylan laughed.

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