forty-two : state championship

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Tuesday: game day

The game was near. Today was the day, everyone was tired and nervous.

3:30 am

Matthew woke up and saw the time. Getting up for these games wasn't easy, but alas he had to. He got up and showered. It seemed different. The water cleared his sinuses, he woke himself up with his skin care. He texted Christopher.

4:00 am

Matt: Get up sleepy head <3 it's game day. Get that handsome face up and at em.
Chris: I'm up my beautiful boy <3 i'll pick you up at 4:30
Matt: Don't forget to eat breakfast and your jerseys
Chris: You're the best <3

Matthew sat in his kitchen sleepily eating his cereal. Christopher sat in the shower half asleep, he let the water hit his face. He would've been sleeping if Matthew didn't know him so well.

4:10 am

Matt: Stop sleeping in the shower and get ready pretty boy
Chris: Are you psychic or something???
Matt: Nope. just madly infatuated with you...
Chris: you're perfect
Matt: Eat something, get dressed, and get your ass moving.
Chris: Yes sir
Matt: Good boy <3 don't forget your semi-formal wear

Matthew packed and unpacked his bag about four times. He made sure he had his jerseys, his gloves, stick, pads, and his formal clothes. Matthew resided in Christopher's hoodie and joggers. He refused to stay in formal clothes for a three hour bus ride. He had everything he needed for their trip. They were gonna stay in a hotel, they had so many games within two days.

4:30 am

Christopher pulled up to Matthew's house. He ran out and threw his bag in the back, he kissed Christopher's cheek. They were both tired but, trying to wake up using Christopher's cassette tape collection.

4:50 am

They loaded onto the bus with ten minutes to spare. They threw their bags on the overhead racks and sat down. Elliot was already sleeping, Dylan was barley awake. The friend group sat in he back of the bus. Christopher laid on his boyfriend and continued to sleep, Matthew fell asleep as well. It was way too early to function. They slept for most of the bus ride.

8:30 am

Matthew awoke to the Utah farm lands. They were almost there, he woke his friends and his boyfriend.

"baby wake up." Matthew nudged Christopher, he just groaned.
"E, come on man. Wake up we're almost there." Matthew gently shook Elliot.
"Already?" Elliot yawned.
"Yeah." Matthew said.

Matthew fixed his hair and helped his friends look put together.

"Nervous?" Matthew asked Christopher when he noticed he was fidgeting.
"Very. Lakewood has never been to a state competition." Christopher smiled weakly.
"You'll be okay." Matthew chuckled.
"Says the guy whose been five times." Christopher mocked.
"It was only three." Matthew remarked. "you are the best team captain i've ever seen. Even if we don't win, i'll be proud of you regardless." Matthew kissed his nose.
"I really like you." Christopher melted into his touch.
"You're too sweet." Matthew smiled.
"Am I gonna see your siblings today?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah, SJ and Jon are gonna be there. My parents and Sammy are coming when the game starts." Matthew explained.
"I'm really nervous. My Mom and sister are gonna be there." Christopher chuckled.
"I hope we win." Matthew smiled nervously.
"You've never won before?" Christopher asked.
"I only said we went 3 times, never said we won any of those times." Matthew chuckled.
"we can win this." Christopher smiled at him.
"I'm glad one of us thinks so." Matthew gave him a peck on his lips.

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