nintey-three : a teenager in love

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A week before Valentine's Day.

The pressure was on. It was Matthew and Christopher's first official Valentine's Day. They had been in one another's lives' for more than a year, but this was their first Valentine's Day that felt genuine.

*buzz buzz*

"Hello?" Matthew picked his phone up.
"Matthew!? Oh thank god. I need your help." Dylan answered.
"Dylan? What do you need help with?" Matthew asked.
"I don't know what to get Elliot for Valentine's Day." She said.
"Girl, I don't know what I'm getting Christopher either." Matthew replied. "Hey, how about we go shopping together? We can go into the city and hopefully find them something." Matthew chuckled.
"Yeah, that would be great! Say, you doing anything today?" Dylan asked.
"I have absolutely nothing going on today. Christopher is off helping abuelita." Matthew replied.
"Elliot is off with his dads. Sounds like our opportunity." Dylan said.
"I'll pick you up in 30?" Matthew asked.
"Sounds good!" Dylan said.

Matthew hung up. He put on his best outfit, grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone.

"I'm going out Sam!" Matthew yelled.

Matthew ran to his car and headed towards Dylan's house. He picked her up and they were off to Salt Lake City.

They went to the mall they shopped at all the time. They went in every store they could think of, they walked around for a while trying to think of what they could get their boyfriends.

"What do you get for the boy that has everything?" Matthew asked.
"Matt, if I knew I'd tell you. Elliot is the same way! They never want or need anything, I have zero ideas." Dylan sighed.
"Doesn't Elliot like vinyl? There's a store in this mall that sells a lot of them." Matthew said.
"They do! Let's go there, maybe you can find Christopher a cassette he doesn't have yet." Dylan replied.
"Now that, is nearly impossible." Matthew chuckled.

They went to the Music Store, they browsed around for what felt like forever.

"Hey, they have the Bo Burnham: Inside box set. He doesn't have this one, do they?" Matthew held it up.
"No he does not! I think I'll get that for him and flowers, they love flowers." Dylan said.

Matthew scoured for a singular cassette tape Christopher didn't have, he couldn't find one. They went to a different store, a toy store.

"I wonder if they have any model cars." Matthew said.
"Yeah, I think they have some over there." Dylan replied.

They found the cars. Matthew bought a Batmobile for Christopher.

"I need at least one more thing for him." Matthew said.
"Does he like jewelry?" Dylan asked.
"Yeah, he only really wears small chains. He wears one to every single game, he never takes it off." Matthew said.
"Maybe get him a charm to add to it." Dylan replied.
"Dylan you're a genius!" Matthew smiled.
"Thank you thank you, i know." She smiled.

They ventured to a different store. Matthew found the perfect silver metal charm to gift Christopher, it was a star. Matthew felt it was fitting, as they were both all stars and spent a lot of their relationship stargazing.

Matthew thought he went a bit overboard, but Christopher deserved it all and more.

After finding things for their boyfriends, they went home. Matthew dropped Dylan off at home.

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