sixty-six : is this real life?

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WARNING‼️‼️: this one gets real and it's long. This chapter depicts discussion of religion/religious trauma, racial profiling, discrimination, misogyny, racism, police brutality, homophobia, lack of reproductive rights, and politics. This isn't for anyone who is easily offended at these topics or anyone who is triggered by these topics. If you are triggered by these topics, feel free to skip this chapter. This will have mention of Roe v Wade being overturned, same-sex relationships, and being a poc in America. As a hispanic, uterus-haver, and member of the lgbtqia+ community, i do not want to hear anyone complain about this chapter. I have experienced racial profiling every day of my life and discrimination based on my orientation and appearance. If you have something negative to say, respectfully, keep it to yourself. These are real experiences that people in American face, everyday of every week. As always, language warning. Enjoy this chapter, research and educate yourself on these issues, and stay safe.

4th of July

The Hayes-Gonzales family was Hispanic. However, they would usually celebrate the 4th of July but in light of recent events they decided to celebrate the freedom they still had left. Usually they were proud to be American and the country that brought them safety but recently, the decisions made in the Supreme Court had them disappointed to call America their home. The Graysons spent this day with Christopher's family, everyone needed an opportunity to get their mind off of the current state of the country. The party took place at Abuelita's ranch. Spencer had hoped that seeing Eva and having fun would ease her rage, anger, and sadness. No one was more angry about the overturning of Roe v Wade than the uterus-havers of the family. Abuelita was livid when she saw the news, she came to this country with the thought of it being the land of the free. Yet, the country was taking steps backwards. Eva never wanted to have children, but she was angry that the freedom to terminate them if need be was being tampered with. Spencer was angry at the freedoms being stripped away from her, but in the light of the case being overturned, the Supreme Court was said to be examining the court cases of same-sex couples and same-sex marriage. The whole family was livid. Matthew more so, he'd lived his life in fear everyday. New York was progressive but he couldn't dress a certain way in fear of being attacked in the streets. Krista's heart ached for her children, they were all members of the lgbtqia+ community. The thought of her children not being able to live freely pissed her off and saddened her. She didn't grow up like them, but she knew it had to be terrifying. Angela was the same way, her heart filled with rage and sadness when she saw the news. Her children too, were a part of the community, she raised her children with the notion they could embrace themselves. But she knew it wouldn't be without judgement.

They hoped partying would help. They arrived at Abuelita's home, they all entered her house and greeted everyone. Matthew hugged Angela and Abuelita a bit tighter than usual and his boyfriend tighter than ever. Thankfully, Christopher's homophobic uncle wouldn't be here; one less thing they had to worry about. Christopher's family arrived, mostly all of his family was here. His mom's siblings of course, some of his Abuelita's siblings, and his abuelito's brother and sister. Surprisingly, his cousins made an appearance. Everyone was there. Christopher sat with his boyfriend and his family, he waited for his family to come to him. His aunt Isabella greeted him and Matthew, Christopher introduced her to Matthew's siblings. She left her children infront of them.

"Where the hell you all been?" Christopher joked as he greeted his cousins.
"College." Two of them chuckled.
"Avoiding the rest of the family." One said.
"Who are these people Chris?" Another one asked.
"This is my boyfriend, Matthew." Christopher gestured to Matthew. "And his family." He said.
"Boyfriend?" One of them asked.
"Yes. If you have any homophobic or racist remarks please leave. I've already heard it from Tio Ruben." Christopher sighed.
"Not at all Chris. I'm just glad you're living your truth primo." One of them said.
"Matthew & siblings, these are some of my cousins. This Ashley, Sara, Benny, Vicente, and Marisol." He gestured to all of them.
"Nice to meet you Matthew and siblings." Ashley said. "We better go greet everyone else or our mom will chew us out." She chuckled.
"It was nice meeting you guys." Vicente said. "Welcome to the family." He nodded.

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