forty-eight : love never felt so good

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The next day... Friday

10:34 am

Christopher woke up and saw Matthew, he smiled and realized he never let his mom know where he was. He panicked. He shot up and called his mom.

"Hey mom, i am so sorry. I'm at Matthew's. I forgot to call you last night." Christopher said.
"Calm down mijo, Matthew called me last night. He let me know how you were and that you were staying there." She said.
"He did?" Christopher asked as he turned to him.
"I'm telling you he's a good one. Don't let him go." She smiled.
"Trust me he's so sweet. He's the best mom." Christopher smiled, he brushed Matthew's hair out of his face.
"Yes he is mijo. You get some more sleep, i transferred some money into you account. Take Matthew out for some breakfast or lunch, tell him it's a thank you for taking such good care of my boy." She said.
"Mamá I-" Christopher said.
"No buts. Take him out, go on a date. I'll see you later mijo, i love you." She smiled.
"Thank you mamá, i love you too." Christopher smiled.

He hung up and laid back down with Matthew. He cuddled up to him, he kissed the back of his neck and gently woke him up.

"wake up mi amor." Christopher whispered into his skin.
"no." Matthew groaned. He rolled over and pulled Christopher's face into his chest. "sleep." Matthew played with his hair.
"wake up." Christopher snaked his hands under his shirt and traced shapes on his back.
"you called my mom last night?" Christopher asked.
"yes." Matthew was still half asleep.
"you're so sweet." Christopher kissed his neck. "wake up mi amor." He kissed his cheek.
"don't wanna." Matthew buried his face in the pillow.
"come on. my mom sent me money to take you on a date as a thank you." Christopher nudged him.
"did she?" Matthew asked.
"Yes now get up." Christopher nudged him again.
"i'm up." Matthew said.
"Come on." Christopher pulled him out of bed.

Christopher hugged him and propped him up. Matthew sat on the bed half asleep. Christopher took off his shirt.

"Im awake now." Matthew stared at him.
"You like what you see?" Christopher smirked at him.
"Yes. You're looking a bit soft Christopher." Matthew teased.
"It's the off-season. I haven't started working out yet." Christopher said. "What about now?" Christopher flexed.
"Now that, that's hot." Matthew looked him up and down.
"What are you thinking about in that pretty little head of yours?" Christopher put his hoodie on.
"All the things those veiny hands can do to me." Matthew bit his lip.
"Slow down lover boy. We haven't even eaten breakfast yet." Christopher chuckled.
"Later?" Matthew asked.
"I'll show you all the things they can do on prom night." Christopher smirked.
"Promise?" Matthew sauntered over to him.
"Yes." Christopher kissed him. "Come on, let's go." Christopher smiled.

They quietly left the house, careful not to wake any of Matthew's family. They drove to a little local diner and had breakfast. They sat in a booth across and ordered coffee. They sipped on their coffee and gazed out the window, the went over their prom plans.

"So prom is tomorrow. Elliot and Dylan want to take pictures at the park, so we'll meet there around 3. From there we'll go eat dinner and be done by 5:30 hopefully so we can make it by 6. Because coronation starts at 6:30." Matthew said while he ate.
"You're so cute when you're passionate." Christopher smiled at him.
"Eat your food, dork." Matthew blushed.

They ate and laughed together. They went for a drive and spent their day together. They messed around and joked with each other all day. The day had to come to it's unfortunate end, Christopher dropped Matthew off at his house.

"I had the best day." Matthew smiled.
"I did too, I had the hottest date." Christopher smiled at him.
"I think mine was hotter." Matthew kissed him.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Christopher said.
"Yes you will. Text me." Matthew kissed him again.
"Always." Christopher smiled.

Matthew was walking to the door, he felt Christopher staring. He wasn't gonna say anything but he knew.

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