forty-seven : healing, in a way

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING‼️ Estranged father, language, daddy issues, potentially triggering situations, sexual situations.

Prom was a day or two away. Christopher's dad invited him to have dinner. He didn't want go but, he knew it would be worse if he didn't show up. He showed up in a fancier restaurant, he walked in and saw his father.

"Hey Chris." He got up to hug him.
"It's Christopher." Christopher stopped him and shook his hand.
"I thought we could catch up." He said.
"I'm hockey team captain, i'm dating someone, and i have a car now. All caught up." Christopher said.
"Tell me about hockey." He said.
"Seasons over, we won state. If you're wondering I started playing after you left." Christopher leaned back in his chair.
"From what I saw you're pretty good. Thinking about going to college on it?" He asked.
"Don't know yet." Christopher kept his responses short.
"Tell me who's the girl you're dating." He added.
"Well Im-"Christopher was interrupted again.
"Oh don't spoil it, i'm sure i'll meet her when you guys take prom pictures." He interjected.
"Dad I-" Christopher was cut off.
"Tell me about school." He said.
"School is alright. But I-" Christopher tried to tell him.
"What do you feel like eating?" He asked.
"You know what? This was a terrible idea." Christopher said.
"I thought we were getting along." He said.
"We'd be getting along if you didn't go AWOL six years ago." Christopher scoffed.
"Christopher you know your mom-" Christopher cut him off.
"You don't get to talk about my mom, you left her. You left Eva, you left me. You don't get to blame my mom for your mistakes." Christopher responded.
"Christopher I couldn't stay any longer than I did." He excused.
"No, you don't get to play the victim. You hurt mom every day before you left, you hurt your children. You don't get to say anything. This was your fuck up, not hers, not mine. Don't blame your shit on other people." Christopher stated.
"Language!" He exclaimed.
"You don't have jurisdiction over me anymore. You lost all your parental rights the day you left, you missed out on my first goal, my first relationship, and everything. You can come to coronation but after that, get lost." Christopher scoffed.
"Chris." His dad grabbed his wrist.
"Let go of me. I swear to god if I see or hear you even breathed on my mom or Eva, i'll personally kick your ass." Christopher took his hand back.
"God damnit Chris!" His dad gently hit the table. "I'm here now, that has to count!" He said.
"No. You don't get to guilt trip me. I'm leaving." Christopher got up and walked away.
"Chris, get back here!" He yelled quietly. "God damnit, sit your ass back down." He said.

Christopher just kept walking. He didn't look back, he kept going. He didn't need to give his dad anymore of him. He just walked out to his car and sat there for a while. He hit his steering wheel multiple times and wiped his tears away. He wanted to scream but he couldn't. He just pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards Matthew's house. It was only 7 pm so Matthew was still awake. He drove in silence, all he could hear was the pitter patter of rain on his windows. He parked his car in their driveway and stood in the rain for a bit, feeling the rain on his skin calmed him down a bit and hid his tears. He rang the door bell. Matthew answered the door.

"Hey, come in. You're gonna catch a cold out there." Matthew pulled him in.
"Thanks." Christopher said.
"He did it again didn't he?" Matthew wiped his tears away.
"Yeah." Christopher sighed.
"Come on, you're soaking wet." Matthew led him to his room.

Matthew's mom saw them on the way to his room.

"Hey Christopher." She said.
"Hi Mrs. Grayson." Christopher sighed.

Matthew just gave her a look and nodded his head. He led him to the room and gave him a change of clothes. Christopher changed and laid down in Matthew's bed. He laid there and just wallowed in his thoughts. Matthew called his mom.

Fast BreakTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon