eighty-eight : spillways

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Matthew had been healing for the last six weeks; he was severely bored. He had only ever had minor injuries, a couple sprains and cuts, but never broken a bone.

He spent all of October laid up in bed, disgusted with himself and his thoughts. He hadn't gotten back out on the ice since breaking his collarbone; his doctor, boyfriend, and mother-in-law made sure of it.

Thanksgiving came and passed, nothing too different. The Graysons invited the Hayes-Gonzales family over, they were one big happy family. Matthew snuck away and sat in his car, he couldn't drive but he could remember the feeling of independence. He put his good hand on the shift knob, before he could even think he heard a knock on the passenger window. Matthew was greeted with Christopher's smiling face, he chuckled and unlocked the door.

"Sneaking out for a joy ride, are we?" Christopher joked.
"I fucking wish." Matthew chuckled. "I couldn't even if I wanted to." He sighed.
"Doctors appointment tomorrow?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah." Matthew sighed.

Christopher took his hand and held it, Matthew just sighed and held it back. He wasn't being completely open with his friends and family; this injury was killing him, not physically, mentally.

Everyone had left. Matthew sat on the roof and stared at the stars, even if it was freezing out. He couldn't sleep either, the anxiety of his upcoming appointment was pestering him. He eventually got a few hours.

His mom took him to the appointment. Matthew sat on the examination table waiting for his doctor.

"How's it feel?" Krista asked.
"Fine." Matthew answered quickly.

The doctor walked in and examined Matthew.

"Seems almost healed. How's it feel?" She asked.
"It feels better." Matthew replied.
"Put your arm above your head for me." The doctor commanded.

Matthew clenched his jaw and lifted his arm; a slight pain still remaining.

"Any pain?" The doctor asked.
"No." He lied.
"Alright, give it two more weeks to heal. Light activity only. No hockey until it's completely healed."  She said.
"Can I drive?" Matthew asked.
"Yes." She smiled.

Matthew couldn't leave soon enough. He rushed his mom out of the room and back home. He ran up to his room and grabbed his keys, he headed to his home rink. He couldn't stay away much longer.

He grabbed his stick and skates. He caught Ms. Alastair on her way out.

"Coach! Can I use the rink?" Matthew asked.
"Is your collarbone healed?" She asked.
"Yeah." Matthew replied.
"Then be my guest, Grayson. Clean up after yourself and lock up." She smiled.
"I will!" Matthew smiled.

He rushed to the locker room, he put on his skates and tied them faster than ever; the slight stinging still in his shoulder. He grabbed his stick, the bucket of pucks, and headed to the bench. He put his stick against the boards and collected his thoughts.

"Just the boards Matthew." He let out a deep breath.

He tried to hop over the boards like he usually could. He made it. He began skating slowly around the rink, making sure his speed was still intact. He only picked up pace after getting his bearings. He laughed to himself as he felt the familiar, comforting, cold smell surrounding his body.

He was home.

He practiced his sprints from one line to the next, his skills a little dull but sharp nonetheless. After that, he grabbed his stick and sat on the benches. He hadn't taped his new one yet, his favorite one was broken along with his collarbone. He precisely taped the stick, carefully placing the grip tape in his favorite position. He finished gripping the stick, he jumped back over the boards, taking the bucket of pucks with him. He skated out to center ice, a little closer to the goal to start with. He dumped out the pucks.

"Slow and steady Grayson." Matthew whispered to himself.

He slowly and gently started shooting pucks at the goal; His aim was slightly off but he hadn't played for weeks. He slowly increased his strength, shooting pucks harder than the last.

Matthew shot as hard as he could, slightly straining his shoulder. He winced to himself and moved it to relieve the pain.

"Agh!" Matthew sighed. "Son of a bitch!" He groaned.

He heard his phone start to ring. He picked it up and tried to sound like he wasn't in pain.

"Hello?" Matthew slightly growled.
"Hey babe, how'd your appointment go?" Christopher asked.
"Good, good." Matthew replied.
"Is something wrong?" Christopher asked.
"No, I'm good, I'm fucking amazing." Matthew said.
"What are you doing?" Christopher knew Matthew was up to no good.
"I may or may not have, allegedly." Matthew started.
"Allegedly?" Christopher said cockily, Matthew could hear that shit-eating grin through the phone.
"ALLEGEDLY! Went against doctors orders and-" Matthew started.
"Matthew." Christopher knew what was coming.
"Played hockey when I'm not supposed to for the next two weeks." Matthew braced himself for the scolding.
"Matthew Peter! You know you can't be doing that!" Christopher began the scolding. "Matthew, you know how important it is to take it easy and heal right." He said.
"I know, i know. I just hit a little too hard, it's fine. I'm fine." Matthew replied.
"You better be or so help me, I will steal your hockey gear and hide it where you will never find it." Christopher said.
"Okay okay! I'm fine! Just a exerted a bit much." Matthew smiled to himself.
"Better be." Christopher smiled.
"I'm fine. I'm going to pack up and head home." He responded.
"Driving?" Christopher asked.
"Yeah." Matthew said.
"Why don't you bring that unbelievably sexy Camaro around here?" Christopher smirked.
"Are we just talking about my Camaro?" Matthew teased.
"Nope." Christopher smiled.
"Maybe i will." Matthew smirked.

Fast BreakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora