fourteen : sibling aid

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Matthew texted Elliot the following day, he'd been out sick for a while and needed his fix of drama.

8:30 am

Matt: dude, i may or may not have started a fight yesterday at the game.
Elliot: BRO FR!!! i am so proud of you 😭 baby's first fight 😭
Matt: Thank you. but ms. Alastair is gonna have my ass for that. she sounded pissed yesterday after the game.
Elliot: I miss one game and i miss all the fun
Matt: and Christopher and i went on an eventful drive last night 😏
Matt: chill we didn't do anything out of the norm, just lemme say DAYUM HE IS FOINE
Elliot: are you guys serious now?
Matt: I don't know, he knows that coming out to his friends isn't going to be good. idek abt his family either.
Elliot: idk man. maybe talk to someone abt it. I'd offer my expertise but i LACK in the relationship department.
Matt: maybe Christopher has a hot cousin that you can have or smth
Elliot: you're always lookin out for me 😭 srsly, maybe talk to your sister abt it. Maybe she has experience idk
Matt: you are a genius. and my mom will let me go, she's not exactly pleased with my recent behavior 💀
Elliot: i know i'm amazing! but good luck with your sister
Matt: thanks hopefully she has some good advice.

Matthew was wondering if a serious relationship is what he wanted, and if he was ready for all that comes with the title of boyfriend. Christopher was wondering the same, all of his relationships before were with girls and god knows they weren't the same. Maybe he should talk about it with someone too.

Days Later...

"Can I meet spend the day with SJ?" Matthew asked sheepishly.
"What for Matthew?" His mom asked.
"I just haven't seen her in a while and i would like to catch up with her, and I need some advice." Matthew said.
"Advice on?" She asked.
"Just something, I think she could really help." Matthew said.
"Okay fine but, i expect you back at 10. No later." his mom advised.
"Thank you! I'll call her now!" Matthew exclaimed.

He ran back up to his room and began getting dressed, he called his sister for the first time in a while.

"SJ." Matthew said.
"Matthew." Spencer; his sister, replied.
"Mom just gave me the ok to spend the day with you. Why don't we go shopping? I need some retail therapy." Matthew pleaded.
"Yeah! I think I have some money to shop, just ask dad for some for extra security." Spencer laughed.
"You know it! Do you know how to get to the house?" Matthew asked, Spencer had been so busy she hadn't had the time to visit.
"Yeah if not I'll just call mom. She'd be ecstatic to see her daughter." Spencer replied.
"Does she know about your sleeve?" Matthew asked.
"Nope." Spencer laughed.
"Good, she gave me so much shit for starting a fight." Matthew sighed.
"You started a fight?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah...we'll talk about it when you get here." Matthew laughed.
"Okay, i'll see you in an hour." Spencer laughed.
"Okay, bye." Matthew laughed.

Now all Matthew could do was lie in wait, he wasted time on his phone until his sister arrived. He grinned as he heard his sister pull up, it reminded him of the days she'd pick him up from school. Spencer could care less about seeing her parents, yeah they were her parents but they never let her be a child. Poor girl, she was just excited to see her little brothers. She came in the house to say a quick hello.

"Oh if it isn't my little girl! How are you babe?" Their dad said as he hugged Spencer.
"I'm good dad." Spencer said.
"Good, you watching out for your brother?" Their dad asked.
"Which one?" Spencer chuckled.
"I'm glad you're doing good kiddo." Their dad chuckled and pat her back.
"Oh Spencer! How is school?" Their mom asked.
"It's going good." Spencer kept her responses short.
"And your brother? How is he? We don't hear much from him these days." Their mom continued.
"You should ask him yourself mom. School keeps us busy, he spends his weekends working and relaxing mom. He's trying his best." Spencer remarked.
"I know." Their mom said .
"Damn mom, you guys move out of New York and now you look all rich." Spencer laughed.
"You know the cost of living in New York is ridiculous. Plus new job and better pay." Their mom said.

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