thirty-nine : the boys' easter

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Easter Sunday, a great time for everyone. The boys spent it together of course. The night before they dyed eggs together as a family. Matthew and Christopher dyed eggs at Christopher's house, they invited Elliot, Dylan, and Ryan. They were always hanging at Matthew's home, for once they changed it up a bit. Christopher's mom was so excited to have her house full. All she had was her children, she was happy her son had finally made good friends, she was thankful he had them and that she had more love to give.

Christopher's mom invited her daughter to join them, as she didn't have anyone else to spend her night with. They all sat at the table dying eggs and chatting. Elliot was focused drawing a face on his egg, Dylan was teasing him about it, Matthew was having so much fun, and Christopher was admiring how cute his boyfriend was. Matthew hadn't really had the luxury of doing this before, he'd lived in a New York studio apartment for most of his life. Not once has he had the fun of going on an egg hunt, let alone dying them himself. Christopher was thankful he could provide him with experiences like these. Christopher's mom could see the childlike joy on Matthew's face, she just smiled and remembered the first time Christopher and Evangeline dyed eggs.

"You look so happy." Christopher smiled as he whispered to Matthew.
"I am really happy right now." Matthew smiled back.
"You're so cute." Christopher never stopped having heart eyes toward him.

Matthew just rolled his eyes and shook his head. They continued to dye eggs and have casual banter, Matthew's phone started to buzz.

"Excuse me, i'll be right back." Matthew said looking at his phone.
"Is everything okay?" Christopher asked him.
"Yeah, it's just my sister." Matthew said, he kissed Christopher's cheek and went out to the porch to take his call.

Matthew answered as he walked to the porch.

"Hey, everything okay?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah, did we get you at a bad time?" Spencer asked.
"Kind of? I'm just dying eggs with Chris, his family, and some of our friends. What's up?" Matthew said.
"We just wanted to call and let you know we'll be in town tomorrow. Jon and I don't mind making the trip to see you and Sammy every once in a while." Spencer responded.
"Really? Do mom and dad know?" Matthew leaned on the railing.
"No, it's a surprise! So please don't tell them, we figured we make mom happy some how." Spencer chuckled.
"Yeah, so you guys doing okay?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah. We're doing the same old thing, and you? How's things with Christopher?" Matthew heard the smile in her voice.
"They're utterly amazing and awesome." Matthew jokingly sighed.
"Glad to hear it little brother. I heard you guys are going to state this year." Spencer responded.
"Yeah. I'm really excited!" Matthew tried not to be so loud.
"You guys staying the night?" Spencer asked.
"Yeah, whole team is staying overnight in a hotel." Matthew advised her.
"You and Christopher sharing a room?" Spencer teased.
"Yes Spencer we are." Matthew chuckled.
"You guys need me to buy you anything? Booze, condoms?" Spencer asked.
"No Spencer, it's a game. Trust me all we're gonna be doing is sleeping." Matthew responded.
"Sure Matthew, sure." Spencer laughed. "Everything else okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, i'm really happy with everything right now. I love my friends and i really really like Christopher, he's so sweet and treats me so good. He takes me on dates, he's patient, and he cooked for me the other morning!" Matthew exclaimed.
"He spent the night?" Spencer asked.
"Oh he spent the night alright." Matthew smirked.
"Little brother you remind me of myself." Spencer smiled to herself.
"He was so gentle and so patient, he's the most perfect guy I could ask for SJ. Also don't tell mom about Christopher spending the night while they're away. " Matthew smiled to himself.
"I won't. I'm really happy for you guys, i'm glad you found someone who will actually love you for you." Spencer said.
"I think i really love him Spence." Matthew whispered.
"Really?" Spencer said.
"Yes, i want to tell him. So bad but everytime either of us finally have to confidence to get the words out we're always interrupted." Matthew ran his fingers through his hair.
"Do it when it feels right for you. You can do it little brother." Spencer
"Thanks, i'm just really nervous that i'm gonna mess it up somehow." Matthew said.

Christopher came out to check on Matthew. He walked over to him and wrapped his arms behind his waist, resting his head on Matthew's shoulder.

"Hey babé, you've been gone a for a while. Everything okay?" Christopher whispered to him.
"Yeah everything's okay. Just Spencer." Matthew said.
"Oh, Hey Spencer!" Christopher said a bit louder. "Hurry back inside darling, it's cold out here." Christopher said as he kissed Matthew's cheek.
"I will don't worry." Matthew smiled.
"Okay." Christopher smirked.
"I'll see you in a bit." Matthew smiled.
"So beautiful." Christopher kissed his lips and headed back inside.

Matthew immediately started blushing and waited for Christopher to be out of earshot.

"Oh my god, I love him." Matthew breathed.
"Yes you do idiot. Tell him when you're ready, he's already hopelessly in love with you. You won't mess it up Matthew." Spencer said.
"Thanks Spence. I better go or he'll drag me back inside himself. Love you, i'll see you tomorrow." Matthew said.
"You're welcome lil bro, love you." Spencer said.

Matthew hung up and ran back inside to finish dying eggs.

The next day came fast, Matthew woke up and immediately started getting ready. Christopher was going to spend half his day with Matthew and half his day at home with his mom. They loved the whole thing.

They hunted eggs and ate at Matthew's house, it was so much fun. Christopher laughed with his boyfriend and his family and they all had so much fun. After spending their time with them, they ventured off to Christopher's home. They pulled over in the woods to bang one out real quick, it was a stressful day and it helped both of them calm down. They ate leftover Mexican food when they got there. Matthew loved his families food, it was so good every time he went over. They watched movies and ate; they talked about everything, school, work, home, family. Matthew loved spending his time with Christopher and his family, it was so refreshing. Matthew fell asleep on Christopher's chest. Angela just smiled at her son and his boyfriend who she also considered a son. Christopher saw her smiling at them and he felt slightly embarrassed, he looked back at the TV blushing. Soon he fell asleep holding his boyfriend close. Angela looked at them with fondness once again, she headed to her room and fell asleep herself. The boys slept on the couch holding one another all night. Needless to say, it was a good easter.

A/N: Happy Easter to those who celebrated, i hope you all had a good one. And to those who don't, i hope you had a nice relaxing Sunday.

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