one : the very beginning

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Matthew Peter Grayson. A boy from New York, having his whole life uprooted for sake of his parents.

"Mom do you have to take this job?" Matthew questioned.
"Yes Matt. It's way better pay and closer to your grandpa and your older siblings." his mom said.
"Utah mom? Utah? What's there to even do in Utah?" Matthew was less than thrilled for this new chapter in their lives.
"We're going to be living not too far outside of Salt Lake City, if you ever get bored you can go into the city and waste time. You'll get used to it Matt." she tried to make the best of it.
"Is dad excited for this endeavor?" He questioned.
"Yes Matthew, he seems excited to live in a smaller town. Especially a mountain town." She said.
"I guess we do need to get out of the city for a while." Matthew sighed.
"That's the spirit. Now finish packing please, we leave Friday." she stated.
"And you're sure there's a hockey team at this new school?" Matthew was worried that the only thing he'd known since he was a child, would be no more.
"Yes, now please finish packing." She said, leaving the room.


Matthew collapsed on his bed, taking a look around his childhood bedroom.

"maybe it is time we get out of here." Matthew sighed once more.

five days later...

After many long days of traveling, Matthew was still less then excited about it. He was nervous about this new school he'd be attending. Utah was so different than what he was used to, it was such a conservative state, he feared for his safety. He was so lucky to have people accept him back in New York but a new school? Life was about to be very different.  He was going to start this new school next week so, he spent the rest of this week unpacking and getting to know the small town that was now his home. Skating on the already frozen lake near his house. Monday seems like it came so fast.


Matthew woke up to the sound of his alarm and stared at the ceiling.

"Today is just like any other day Matthew. You'll be fine. It's just a new school. That's all." He affirmed to himself. "Alright- i should get ready." He pulled himself out of bed to get himself together for school.

His dad drove him to school that morning. The ride was quiet, the nerves were stirring in Matthew.

"What's wrong Matt?" His dad asked.
"Hm? Nothing. Just nervous." He said.
"You'll be okay kiddo. You're a smart kid, you had many friends back home. Maybe you'll find some life long friends here." His dad said.
"Yeah, maybe..." Matthew sighed.
"Alright, we're here. You got this kiddo." His dad was  optimistic.
"Thanks dad. I'll see you later." Matthew exited the car and stared at the entrance for a while.

"Lakewood High school." He sighed. "Here goes nothing."

He walked in the school and found the office. He waited for a while before the receptionist tended to him.

"Good morning, what do you need darlin'?" she asked.

"She seems really nice." Matthew thought.

"Uh yes. Um- Hi, i'm Matthew Grayson. I'm new here and I was told this is where i can pick up my schedule and sign up for the hockey team." Matthew was really nervous.
"A new face, I love new students! Yes, well here is the hockey sign-up sheet. You made it just in time for sign-ups, season is barley getting started! Here's all the paper work you need to sign for insurance reasons. I'll go get your schedule." the receptionist was his favorite person now.
"Thank you." Matthew said.

He took a pen from the cup and started signing what he needed to. His eyes scanned the list for the next open spot. He signed his name under the position he plays. Signing his name calmed his nerves. Finally something he knew.

"Here you go sweetie! You'll need to see the athletic director about joining the team. Good thing you joined this early!" She read the sheet as Matthew handed the clipboard back. "A winger! Left or right wing?" she asked.
"Right, I'm also mostly offensive player." Matthew started easing in.
"Ah, I'll be rooting for you! We could use some new all star players!" The receptionist said.
"About the athletic director where can I find them?" Matthew asked.
"Oh! I'll show you to her office! Let me just get my assistant. Elliot? Can you cover the desk please? I'm just going to show our new friend Matthew to Ms. Alastair's office." She said.
"Yeah I can, welcome to Lakewood Matthew!" Elliot seemed cool.
"Thanks!" Matthew started warming up.

The receptionist, Ms. Penelope, Matthew now knew her name after the chit chat on the way to Ms. Alastair's office.

*knock knock*

"Come in." A voice said.
"Hi Ms. Alastair! I come bearing good tidings!" Ms. Penelope said.
"I see, who is this?" Ms. Alastair asked.
"Hi, I'm Matthew Grayson. I just moved here and I'm going to be joining the hockey team, if you'll have me." Matthew was still a bit awkward.
"Yes! That is completely all right! I'm always happy to invite new players onto the team. Where are you from? What position you play?" Ms. Alastair was making conversation.
"I'm from New York City and I play right wing, offense is my strong suit." Matthew said.
"Yes finally! You are the answer to my prayers! We've been in need of another right wing player, the team wound up slightly smaller than usual. Can you start practice tonight?" Ms. Alastair was thrilled.
"Yeah! I'm sorry, I've just been so nervous all week about starting here. But thank you for welcoming me to the team." Matthew was starting to like this place.
"No problem Matthew! Any name you'd prefer or preferred pronouns?" That question from Ms. Alastair jumped out at Matthew.
"Uh-" Matthew stuttered.
"Oh, don't worry we are very progressive here and have a zero tolerance for bullying, especially against our lgbtqia+ students. We even have a support group for them! And a lot of the staff here are a part of the community themselves. It's a safe space!" Ms. Penelope stated.
"Oh, what a relief. I've been worried about that too. Matthew, Matt, or simply Grayson, will work! And my pronouns are he/him. Thank you! Do you mind if i ask what are yours?" Matthew asked politely.
" Mine are She/Her and Ms. Penelope's are She/They, thank you for asking so politely Matthew!" Ms. Alastair said. "And Grayson, for the last name on your jersey, yes?" she said.
"Yes." he said.
"Any specific number you'd prefer?" Ms. Alastair asked.
"96, if it's not too much trouble." Matthew said.
"And that seems to be all the information I need. Welcome to Lakewood Matthew, I think you'll find it very cozy here." Ms. Alastair said.
"Thank you, I can't wait to play with a team again." Matthew said.

Ms. Penelope took him back to the office. Before she could even sit down she already had the Assistant Principal asking for some help with the schedule for the next few months.

"Oh gosh, I apologize Matthew. I'd show you around personally but apparently I'm absolutely swamped today. Elliot why don't you show Matthew to his classes?" Ms. Penelope asked.
"Yeah I can show him around." Elliot responded.
"Thank you. Oh and Matthew if you ever need a friend you can always come and hang out with us down here!" Ms. Penelope smiled and waved as she ran to do her errands.
"Hi, I'm Elliot. Nice to meet you!" Elliot shot his hand out to shake Matthew's hand.
"I'm Matthew or Matt or Grayson. Whichever you prefer." Matthew smiled and shook Elliot's hand.
"We seem to have a few classes together but I can show you the rest of them. Where are you from?" Elliot asked as they started walking.
"Thank you. I'm from New York." Matthew responded.
"New York? How'd you wind up here?" Elliot asked.
"My mom got a new job here." Matthew said.
"Cool, Ms. Penelope says you play hockey?" Elliot questioned.
"Yeah! Do you play?" Matthew asked.
"Yeah! Resident brute." Elliot chuckled.

Elliot showed Matthew all his classes before the school day started. Matthew got aquatinted with all his teachers and found his locker for the school year. It was only a matter of time before he met a person that would change his life for the better.

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