twenty-three : vulnerability

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The holidays were over for the most part, everyone's family was still hanging around. The boys hadn't seen each other in a while due to the holidays. Matthew was already over seeing everyone, every day seemed to be going by slower and slower. Matthew lay in his room with his sister, both avoiding their family. Their brothers walked in.

"You guys too huh?" Spencer said.
"Yeah, if I have to hear the 'you don't have a girlfriend' speech one more time i'm going to lose it."  Jonathan sighed.
"They even tried asking me why I don't have a 'girlfriend'" Sam scoffed.
"They got to you too?" Matthew asked.
"Damn. I don't get why they keep asking, some of us are occupied college students." Spencer gestured to herself and Jonathan.
"Some of us are gay." Matthew laughed.
"and the rest of us frankly don't care." Sam laughed.
"Wanna go skate on the lake? I can help you guys get back your skills. I even think mom brought your guys' skates from New York." Matthew said.
"Yeah let's go, I can only take so much of this family." Spencer sighed.
"You guys mind if I invite Christopher?" Matthew asked.
"Not at all, go ahead." His siblings agreed.

They went to the basement to find their old skates they haven't used in a long while. Matthew grabbed his skates and called Christopher.

"Hey, you busy?" Matthew asked.
"Depends. What does my beautiful boy have to offer?" Christopher asked.
"Well, my siblings and I were about to go skate on the lake out back to escape our family, and was wondering if you'd like to join." Matthew said.
"Yeah, I'll be there in 15 minutes, my uncles are driving me crazy." Christopher chuckled.
"You too? Mine won't stop asking my brother and sister when they're gonna start their own families. My aunt keeps asking Sam and I when we're gonna get girlfriends." Matthew laughed.
"Do I count?" Christopher laughed.
"They don't need to know everything, yet." Matthew chuckled.
"At least I get to see your siblings." Christopher said.
"Trust me they love you more than they love me." Matthew smiled.
"I'll see you in a bit." Christopher grinned.
"Text me when you're here, I'll sneak you around the side so we can avoid the circus that is my family." Matthew laughed.
"I will gorgeous." Christopher said.
"See you in a while handsome." Matthew smiled and hung up.

Matthew snuck down and out through the back door, his siblings were already down by the lake trying to recall how to skate.

2:34 pm

Chris: Want me to park just my car in the back?
Matt: Sure just pull around quietly.
Chris: Baby don't know quiet Matthew
Matt: you can do it
Chris: i'll try

Christopher pulled around the back and parked his car. Matthew leaned in to the driver's window.

"Hey." Matthew kissed him.
"Hey, you okay?" Christopher asked.
"I am now." Matthew smiled. "Come on, my siblings are gonna break their necks if we don't teach them." Matthew laughed.

Christopher popped the trunk and climbed out of the car. He grabbed his skates and shut the trunk.

"Can I have one more for now?" Christopher asked.
"Just one." Matthew smiled.

He kissed him more passionate and deeper than before.

"Beautiful..." Christopher whispered.
"We really better go help them now." Matthew laughed.

They walked down to the lake and put their skates on. They started skating around the lake warming up their skills, since they hadn't had a practice in a while. Christopher skated over to Matthew.

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