fifty-nine : pain

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A/N : I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday (at the time of writing) and I'm going through it. So I thought it would be nice to have one of my characters relate to the pain I am feeling atm 💀

Five days later

Today was the day, the day Christopher would get all four of his wisdom teeth out. Angela had woken up Christopher, he was dreading this day. He didn't like the dentist or the idea of anesthesia. He was so nervous for this day, thankfully he had Matthew. Matthew drove to Christopher's house, he left his car there. Angela drove them to the dentist, she filled out the paperwork. Matthew held Christopher's hand as he bounced his leg up and down.

"You okay?" Matthew asked.
"Uh-huh." Christopher hummed.
"You'll just be sore later love. When I got mine out I just struggled afterwards. The whole surgery part was easy." Matthew reassured him.
"I hope so." Christopher sighed.

They called him back, they let Matthew and Angela sit with him until they knocked him out. They started his iv, put his oxygen on, they stuck sensors to his chest and stomach to monitor his heart rate and breathing. Matthew could see his heart rate rising on the monitor, he could see him fidgeting in the chair. They started his anesthesia and he was out like a light. His surgery went by pretty quick for Matthew and Angela. They woke him up after his surgery, gauze in his mouth helping to stop the bleeding. The dental assistant wheeled him out to the waiting room where Matthew and Angela sat.

"Hi mamá." Christopher said.

He was still high off of anesthesia, he would barley remember any of this later.

"Hi baby. You okay?" Angela asked.
"Yeah!" Christopher said.
"Hey love." Matthew rested his hand on top of Matthew's.
"I have a boyfriend." Christopher said as he slowly pulled his hand away.
"I am your boyfriend." Matthew laughed.
"Mamá he's beautiful." Christopher whispered to Angela.

Angela just laughed. The dental assistant helped wheel him out to the car. Matthew got him in the back seat and sat with him.

"You okay?" Matthew asked.
"Yes." Christopher said. "I just love you so much." Christopher shed a few tears.
"I love you too." Matthew smiled.
"Mamá he loves me!" Christopher said.
"Yes he does babé." Angela tried not to laugh.
"Do you wanna change your gauze?" Matthew asked.
"Please." Christopher said.

Matthew helped him change his gauze, he put in fresh ones. Christopher just laid down on Matthew's lap and slept the whole way home. By the time they got home he was pretty conscious.

"Hi baby." Christopher weakly smiled at Matthew.
"Hey, you feeling okay?" Matthew asked.
"I feel like my teeth have been ripped from me." Christopher said.
"Sounds about right." Matthew chuckled. "You wanna go lay down?" He asked.
"Please." Christopher said.

Matthew helped Christopher walk in the house. He helped him take his shoes off and get comfortable so he could return to his peaceful slumber. Angela went to pick up Christopher's various medications he had to take. Matthew chilled on the couch, he kept close by incase Christopher needed him.

"I'm home!" Angela said.
"How many meds did they prescribe him?" Matthew asked.
"Like five. He has the steroid that helps with healing, the anti inflammatory, pain killers, and the anti bacterial so he won't get an infection. And the medicated mouthwash." Angela responded.
"Damn. I don't remember them giving me this much when I got mine out." Matthew said.
"Thank god amoxicillin comes in liquid form otherwise he'd be so grumpy." Angela chuckled.
"He doesn't like pills?" Matthew asked.
"The big ones, he'll be alright with these." Angela showed Matthew the white box with the steroids that help the healing process.
"Poor guy. He's going to hate this." Matthew said as he looked at all the medications.
"Yeah he is. Just make sure he takes amoxicillin and the steroids, he can avoid the painkillers unless he really needs them. There's liquid Tylenol in the medicine cabinet if you need it, it'll help with his swelling. If he gets hungry there's mashed potatoes in the cabinet you can make and there's lots of soups he can eat." Angela said. "I'm running late for work. There's ice packs in the freezer and lots of Gatorade in the fridge. I trust you to take care of him, i know you'll make sure he's medicated, hydrated, and fed." Angela smiled.
"Trust me I'll make sure he is." Matthew chuckled.
"Thank you so much for watching him." Angela hugged him.
"No thanks needed Angela." Matthew smiled.
"Text or call if you need anything at all!" Angela yelled as she headed out the door to work.
"We will!" Matthew responded.

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