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"About time, slackers." Braxton said to Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead as they made their way into the school 20 minutes late. It was their first day of senior year. "Yeah, we forgot to set an alarm." Veronica replied. "Why aren't you in class?" Jughead asked. "Busting my ass the first three years of high school paid off. That along with the recommendations of my therapist.. senior year is about to be a breeze for me." She smiled.

"Must be nice." Archie sighed, his class schedule was the complete opposite.

"I'd hurry and get to class. There's a new principal, Mr. Honey. He's kind of a hard ass. I don't think he's going to tolerate tardiness."

"You're right, Miss. Jones. I won't." He said as he walked out of the schools office. "I suggest you all find your first period, promptly."

The students looked at Mr. Honey and did as they were told. All except for Braxton who remained where she was with her arms crossed over her chest. "And may I ask why you aren't following my order?" Mr. Honey asked her.

"My first period is study hall. Seeing as it's the first day of school I don't really have anything to study, just yet."

"Ah yes, I've been informed about you. Held captive for days over the summer. Your therapist recommended a light class schedule. She found it shouldn't be a problem due to your star efforts freshman, sophomore, and junior year. Miss. Jones, isn't it?"

"You are correct."

Mr. Honey could tell that Braxton was going to be a tough one to intimidate. "So tell me, Miss. Jones. How is an easy senior year going to impress the Ivy League school of your dreams? Harvard if I recall correctly? You really think they'll be interested in your summer story about captivity? Or do you think they'll be more interested in your GPA and extracurriculars?"

"I think they'll be intrigued by the story of a hard working student who's at the top of her class even after a life changing traumatic event." She replied as she stared Mr. Honey in the eyes. She didn't like him. She wasn't about to let him break her like he was intending to do.

Mr. Honey stared back. Hoping to trigger her, but it didn't happen. Not that day, anyway. "Ah yes. I suppose so." He smiled and walked away.

Braxton stood her ground until Mr. Honey rounded the hallway corner. She let out a deep sigh as she felt her eyes start to tear up. She quickly turned for the girls bathroom, shoving the door open. "Cousin!" Cheryl said with a wide smile. "For fucks sake." Braxton replied trying to hide the fact she was upset.

"Is something the matter?"

"No, Cheryl." Braxton replied and left the bathroom just as quickly as she entered.

She sat at the lunch table under the big oak tree alone looking down at her lunch tray. "Yeah, Cheryl has it out for Mr. Honey and the day is only half way over." Fangs told Sweet Pea as he sat across from Braxton. "All over some dance too." Sweet Pea replied sitting next to her then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Dudes going to want to watch his back with that one."

"What's going on?" Braxton asked.

"Mr. Honey cancelled Cheryl's back to school dance. And according to Toni she's pretty pissed about it." Fangs laughed.


Her short response was alarming to Sweet Pea. He learned when she's distant in conversation her mind is elsewhere, which as of late wasn't a good thing.

"I'm sure she'll find some way to ring in the school year." Fangs told them then dove into his turkey burger.

"Not hungry?" Sweet Pea ask his girlfriend who still hadn't touched a single thing. "Not really." She told him as she pushed her tray towards Fangs who grabbed a handful of her fries.

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