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Braxton walked down the stairs and saw her dad sitting on the couch watching the TV. On the TV was was what looked like a picture of their house, but in reality it was a video being fast forwarded. "What are you watching?" She asked as she made her to the kitchen. "Six hours of our house." He replied and she gave him a confused look.

"I don't understand?"

"Someone recorded the house for six hours and left the tape on the front porch."

"Why would someone do that?"

"I'm not sure. I'm taking it down to FP at the station to see if anyone else has received one." And they have.
Most of the people of Riverdale one by one walked out of their house to find a tape waiting for them. All the same sox hour footage of their house. It had most of Riverdale on edge, not knowing who was doing it or why.

It was a cool fall day on Halloween. Braxton pulled herself in tight on the back of Sweet Peas motorcycle on their way to school. As they walked to halls they passed all sorts of different characters. From pirates, to witches. Comedy films to horror films. Even the local terrors of the Black Hood and Gargoyle King. Students were dressed up and Braxton was the least bit phased.

"Happy Halloween, guys!" Fangs said as he joined them in the hallway walking for their lockers. "Happy Halloween." Sweet Pea replied as he stopped at his.

Braxton continued down the hall as hers was just around the corner. As she went to turn right her body suddenly froze at what she saw. Sweet Pea looked down her way and saw she wasn't moving. "Brax?" He called out but she still  didn't move. She stood there, wanting to move but felt paralyzed. Her chest was tight and tears started to fill her eyes. "Braxton?" He called again, and nothing.

He made his way down the hallway towards her, he placed his right hand on her waist looking down at her and he put himself in front of her. She let out a gasp and two tears fell. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asked turning to follow her gaze, and his eyes landed on Casey, who was standing at his old locker putting his book bag away.

He turned back to his girlfriend understanding why she had the look of terror on her face. He placed both hands on her upper arms guiding her backwards around the corner so she didn't have to look at him anymore. As he backed her up against the lockers, he saw Fangs walking towards them. "I'll be right back." Sweet Pea told him. "Stay with her."

He made his way back around the corner and up to Casey. Without warning and without a word, he slammed Casey up against the lockers and swung on him twice. "Sweet Pea!" Archie shouted as he and Mad Dog ran over to pull him off. "Get off of me!" Sweet Pea shouted as Casey covered his mouth that was gushing blood. It was the first time Sweet Pea saw Casey since the day Braxton and Danny were rescued. A day that he had been waiting for.

All the anger that he had built up, he was able to break free of Mad Dog and Archie and charge after Casey one more time to get one last shot in.

"Sweet Pea, stop!" Archie yelled and pulled him back once more. Sweet Pea stopped fighting and turned and looked at Archie. "Do you even know what he did?" He snapped. "Do you even know what he did to Braxton?"

"I don't. But I promise this isn't worth an expulsion." He replied.

"Bullshit. When it comes to Braxton it is."

Sweet Pea turned and looked at Casey who was now on the floor. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I'm not finished with you just yet, know that." He snapped then headed back to his girlfriend and Fangs. "Come on, baby." He told her as he wrapped her in his arms, "Let's go."

He lead her out the schools doors and to his bike where they got on and headed home. He didn't want Braxton in the same building with someone so foul. When they walked through the front door, Rich was was heading out. "What the hell are you two doing home?" He asked assuming they were ditching.

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