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Back at the Wrym Sweet Pea was finally awake. When Braxton walked in she saw the him and Fangs sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey," she said to Sweet Pea as she ran her hand through his hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, where did you go?" He asked in a gravely voice.

"To let Jughead know what happened."

"Really? Because Fangs told me you went to see Archie."

Braxton shot Fangs, who refused to make eye contact, a look. "I just wanted to know who jumped you." she told Sweet Pea.

"It was the Ghoulies. I only saw a few but it looked like there were more."

"Fuck those Ghoulies." Fangs mumbled.

"Something is going on." Braxton told them.

"Why is that?" Sweet Pea asked.

"When I left, Malachai said 'one day soon'."

"You went to see Malachai on your own? Braxton what the hell? What if he or one of his Ghoulies hurt you?"

"But they didn't?"

Sweet Pea looked over at Fangs and said, "Will you give us a minute?" Fangs noded his head and headed out of the office.

"Braxton, what were you thinking?" He snapped at her. "You can't go on Ghoulie territory alone."

"I wanted answers for you."

"I don't care! Do you know how dangerous that was? Please tell me you didn't tell Malachai you're a Jones."

"It may have been mentioned.." Braxton told him as she trailed off.

"I told you that once the Ghoulies heard your name they were going to come after you. Ghoulies from school may have known your last name but now Malachai knows you're linked to FP and Rich!"

"Wouldn't he have known before? Wouldn't his little minions of told him? Sweet Pea, it will be okay."

The door to the office suddenly flew opened which caused Braxton and Sweet Pea to stand down. "What the hell happened to you?" Toni asked Braxton as she walked into the room as Fangs followed her. "Last I knew you were at lunch and then you disappeared." As she rounded the couch she saw Sweet Peas face. With wide eyes she said, "Whoa, who got you?"

"Ghoulies." Fangs told her.

"They got you good. Damn."

Sweet Pea didn't respond. Instead he rolled his eyes and looked away. "What was their motive?" She continued.

"Malachai said it's for all the Ghoulies he's punched out." Braxton said, "Payback."

"Payback? I'm going to show those fuckers some payback." Fangs snapped.

"We'll have our turn, Fangs." Sweet Pea told him as he stood up. "In the mean time, we still have the Red Circle to worry about." He headed for the door and was cut off by Braxton. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"To get some whiskey."

"Are you serious?"

"What? My head hurts."

Braxton rolled her eyes and slid her jacket over her shoulders. "Where are you going?" Sweet Pea asked. "We're going to the quarry. Serpent ladies are getting together. Care to join?" Toni asked with a smile as she walked passed him and opened the door. "I'll have to pass." He told her then turned his attention to Braxton. "We aren't finished here, can I swing by later?"

"Sure. I'll text you when I get home." She told him. Sweet Pea kissed her on the head to let her know that everything was okay. Braxton soon followed Toni out to her Jeep so they could head to the quarry.

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