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With Kevin spending all of his free time with his secret lover and her dad on a date with his mystery woman, Braxton found herself lonely on a Saturday night and had Archie over for a marathon of Greys Anatomy. It had been awhile since the two had actually hung out alone. With Sweet Pea and Veronica having issues with their friendship prior, it took a back seat. But now that Veronica and Braxton were what some would call friends and Sweet Pea was out of the picture, they were able to finally go back to where things should have always been.

They stretched out along the sectional in Braxton's living room while a commercial played on the TV. Braxton threw a piece of popcorn towards Archie and he caught it in his mouth. "Score!" She yelled as they both threw their hands in the air. "So, I gotta ask. What's going on with you and this Casey guy?" Archie asked as he sat up.

"I tutor him in English."

"No, I mean other than that. I once saw you guys around school a lot. Now that the Serpents go to Riverdale I hardly see you look at him."

"There's not much more than that. We're friends that's it. If Serpents saw me with someone who was once a Ghoulie they would put me on the outs for sure."

"What about Reggie?"

"Right, because I'd want to date the guy at school who's trying to remove all of Southside from Riverdale High."

"Come on Brax, you and Sweet Pea have been broken up for a minute now. Don't you want to explore the playing field?"

"The last time I explored the playing field it completely back fired on me and I ended up with a broken heart. Not exactly something I'm ready to open myself back up to."

"You miss him, don't you?"

"More than anything." She sighed as her eyes dropped. "How are things with V?"

"Better." Archie said then took a deep breath in. "Currently trying to win the respect of Mr. Lodge, so I'm trying out for wrestling."

"What! Wrestling? So you're going to wear one of the those tight little-"

"Yeah yeah, don't remind me."

"I'd pay big money to see that." She told him then threw a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"He wrestled back in the day. Besides it's not something I've tried."

"Football jock turns wrestler. I can dig it. Kev wrestles, maybe he can give you some pointers?"

"Yeah I'll totally have to ask."

"So, how was the lodge this past weekend?"

"There's actually something I've been meaning-" Archie started to say but was cut off by the sound of his phone vibrating on the coffee table. He pick up the phone and saw a text from Veroinica.

Veroinica: SOS I'm in NEED of some Archie time, are you home?

"V?" Braxton asked as she watched his face. He was silent for a second then pressed his lips together in a straight line. "Yeah, it's fine. I don't have to-"

"You're fine. You're her boyfriend not mine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll see you Monday?"

"Monday." He smiled.

Braxton looked down at her phone and saw that it was only eight thirty on a Saturday night. She knew that the night life at the Wrym was just starting to pick up. She hadn't gone to the Wrym to hang out since the night that she got into her fight with Britt and thought she could use the stench of smoke and beer that filled the air.

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