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When they walked into the house, Braxton immediately headed up the stairs for her room. Rich looked to Sweet Pea and said, "You'll be in Jugheads old room." "No." Braxton called down to them. "He's sharing my room with me."

"I don't think so. You're too young for that."

"Then I'll leave. I'll go back to moms."

"Dad, you're going to want to pick your battles with her for right now." Danny told him. And he agreed. Rich nodded his head and said, "Very well."

Sweet Pea followed behind Braxton carrying their bags. When they got into the room he set them on the bed and looked at his girlfriend. She avoided eye contact with him. "I know you're angry.." He sighed. "I'm not angry." She replied.

"You haven't looked at me all day." She didn't reply. "Brax, we're doing this because we want to help you."

"Let's go to the Wrym."


"Fine, I'll go myself then."


She looked at him and a furrowed brow. "You can't just keep me here."

"I'm not trying to. But you don't need to go to the bar. What if we go to Pop's instead? Get a shake or a burger."

"I'm good."

There was a knock on the door and Rich stuck his head in. "If you guys need anything-" he started to say and Braxton stood to her feet. "On second thought, Pop's sounds good." She told Sweet Pea and squeezed past her dad through the door.

"What did I say?" He asked looking at Sweet Pea.

"Nothing. She's just being difficult right now." He replied.

"It's going to take a lot to get Braxton back, isn't it."

"I worry we may never fully get her back."

As they sat in Pop's Braxton still didn't say anything. She instead stared out the window at the rain they raced it's way down the window bouncing her leg. "I have a run I need to go on tonight." Sweet Pea said trying to make conversation. "Be safe." She coldly replied.

"Toni said she would come over to keep you company if you wanted."

"No thanks. I'll probably just take a bath or something."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Promise me you're not going to the Wrym."

"I promise."

"Okay. Well if you change your mind-"

"You'll be the first to know."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment until Braxton looked away. Sweet Peas concern only continued to grow.

He tapped on the door as the sounds water filling the bathtub trickled out to the bedroom. "Brax, I'm leaving." He called out to her. "Okay." She replied, but didn't bother coming to the door.

"I love you."

But no response. He tilted his head back with a heavy sigh. "You ready?" Danny asked walking into their room . "Yeah, I guess."

Braxton peaked out her bathroom window, waiting for them to leave. Once they pulled away on their bikes she stopped the bath water and pulled the plug. She looked in the mirror touching up her mascara and looked her outfit over. High waisted shorts, a black band bra, and one of Sweet Peas flannels. She was hoping for free drinks that night.

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