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"Spirit week?" Sweet Pea asked as he and Braxton walked down the hallway. The large banner in the main hallway was hard to miss. "Yeah, spirit week. Bulldogs are going to the state finals." She replied. "What, you never had spirit week at Southside?"

"I don't even know if we had football."

"Well, with the way the Bulldogs are playing I'd say it's likely they bring home the championship."

"Who do they play?"

"Stonewall Prep." Betty said as she walked up behind them. "Hey Brax, can I talk to you for a sec?"

She looked up at Sweet Pea and squeezed his hand, "I'll just be a moment." She told him, and followed Betty to the Blue and Gold room.

"I need a huge favor, B." Betty told Braxton as they each took a seat. "Why? What's going on?" She replied.

"Munroe was jumped outside of Archie's gym last night."

"You're kidding me, right? Poor Munroe."

"Archie thinks Munroe was attacked by someone from Stonewall Prep. And based on the masks those creeps were wearing, I agree. It was likely Bret. I want to break the story in the Blue and Gold, but I need proof or a confession."

"Okay, where do I come in?"

"Reggie says he heard Stonewall's throwing a party Friday to get everyone psyched up for the game."

"And you want me to crash the party I take it?"

"I do. I can't get close to Bret, he knows me. You, on the other hand.. I was hoping maybe you could go, turn on your charm? Flirt with him. Make him open up?"

"I'm down."

"Great. Would you be willing to wear a wire?"

"Absolutely. Just.. SP can't know, okay? He's been my personal bodyguard since summer and I'm about over it. I need a breather."

"Deal. We'll tell him it's a girls night at my place."


When Braxton walked down the stairs she was wearing a sweatshirt with leggings and a book bag on her back. Sweet Pea noticed her as he was standing in the kitchen. "Going somewhere?" He asked as she walked towards him. "Betty's." She replied and kissed his cheek then turned for the door.



"It's been awhile since you've gone to Betty's."

"It has been. That's why I'm going. We are having a girls night."

"Let me take you." Sweet Pea said as he followed behind her.

"What, no Pea. I can drive myself."

"I'd rather-"

"I'll be fine, okay.. it's been months."

"Malachai is still out there, you know that."

"And if I see him, I'll call." Braxton walked up to her boyfriend and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. "I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

Hesitantly, he shook his head. "I love you."

"And I love you."

Once in her Jeep, Braxton quickly made her way for Betty's to get a wire on. But before doing so, she needed a change of outfit. She needed something sexy, but not Serpent sexy. She needed something more trust fund baby sexy.

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