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I'd had been a week since anyone last saw Jughead and a lot had happened in such a short period of time. Jessica got John to drop call charges against Sweet Pea in agreement that she wouldn't press charges on him for domestic battery. She moved out of the house and into the Pembrook with Isabelle until she found a place to stay. Luckily for Sweet Pea with FP being the sheriff he was able to wipe his record clean.

"Do you really think Betty did it?" Archie asked Braxton as they sat in her kitchen the following morning of Sweet Pea's release. "I don't know." She replied. "I would like to think no. But with the serial killer gene.."

"Yeah, I worry about that too. What if she didn't even realize what she was doing?"

"I don't know Arch.."

"But Jughead-" Archie started to say but Sweet Pea walked into the room so he stopped mid sentence.

"He knows about what happened to Jug." Braxton told him.

"Preppies killed him and are framing Betty." Sweet Pea said as he walked to the fridge and eyed Archie. He still didn't trust him.

"Alleged." Archie told him.

"You don't believe Betty?"

"I don't know yet."

"It would be like me killing Sweet Pea." Braxton shrugged.

"Whoa now." He told her stepping towards Archie.

"I would never. That's my point."

They heard the front door opened and shut, assuming it was Danny. But we're surprised to see Betty instead. "Betty?" Braxton questioned looking at her.

"I need Archie's help with something." She replied.

"Of course." He quickly said.  "Anything, Betty."

She looked at Braxton and Archie then to Sweet Pea. "I know." Sweet Pea told her the same time Braxton and Archie said "He knows."

"I need you to go to Stonewall and start a fight with Bret." Betty said looking at Archie.

"Oh boy." Sweet Pea chuckled.

"What?" Archie was confused. "I thought we were supposed to be laying low, acting normal."

"We are. Going to Stonewall Prep is exactly what Archie Andrews would do in retaliation for what they did to Jughead." She told him.

"What would it even accomplish?" Braxton asked.

"Besides revenge for Jughead, it would get them talking. We know it was them. We just need proof."

"Do we know it was them? I mean, we didn't see them." Archie shamefully said.

"Of course it was them. Who else would it have been?"

"Betty.. I- I don't know that I can.. My mom would freak. She already wants me going into the military because of my behavior. If I did that.."

Betty looked at him, understanding what he was trying to say. She looked to Sweet Pea. "No." Braxton said before she could say anything. "He just got cleared for the charges from John. The last thing he needs is Bret pressing charges."

"Bret is guilty. The last thing he's going to do is intentionally involve himself with the police."

"No." Braxton repeated.

"I'll do it." Sweet Pea said looking at Betty. He then switched his eyes over to Braxton and said "I'm a Serpent and your boyfriend. I deck him because of the way he has sexualized you and I call him out for what happened to Jughead. Two birds one stone."

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