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A/N: Currently obsessed with Camila Cabello's song, First Man. I thought that
this scene fit the lyrics perfectly!
*Song posted above!*

Weeks worth of summer had passed. Weeks worth of memories, freedom, and friendship gone in a flash. For some odd reason Braxton thought that if Archie came home everything would go back to normal, but it didn't. It seemed to have only gotten worse.

When she walked into Pop's to pick up hers and Sweet Pea's take out, she saw Reggie sitting in a booth alone. She could tell that something was bothering him. She wondered over to his table and slid in across from him. "What it do, Jones?" He asked in a flat tone. "Reggie." She replied with a small smile. "You seem quite gloomy."

"Why would I be? Archie's back. Everything is great."

"She cut things off, didn't she?"

"I don't know what I was thinking. I mean, why would Veronica chose me, Reggie Mantel? Over him, Archie Andrews?"

"I think you're being too hard on yourself. Besides, they broke up. So, technically you're still in the running."

"No, I'm not, she counted me out. Told me that she didn't want Archie knowing about us. So in other words, there is no us."

"Braxton!" Pop called as he held up her food.

She turned from Pop back to Reggie and said, "Hang in there. If you care about Veronica like I know you do, you won't give up this easily." She reached over to give his hand a squeeze and stood up to grab her order. As she walked out the door she heard Reggie call her name. When she looked at him he smiled and said, "Thanks, kid." "Anytime." She replied.

When she walked into the apartment she was excited to see Sweet Pea but her face fell when she saw Betty sitting next to him. "Oh, hi Betty." She said as she closed the door behind her. With her mom being at the Wrym that night, she was excited for the alone time she was going to get with her boyfriend.

"Hey, Brax. I know this is a bad time, but I was hoping maybe we could talk?" Betty replied hopeful as she stood up.

Braxton handed over the bag of food to Sweet Pea and lead Betty out to the balcony. "What's going in?" She asked her as they sat down.

"My mom donated my entire savings account to The Farm."

"She what?"

"That was my college fund, B. I have nothing now, nothing. I met with Attorney McCoy to see if she can even do that. She said as long as my father signed off on it."

"Did he?"

"No, my mom doesn't visit him for him to sign the papers. So I of course had to go see him because I needed him to sign an affidavit."

"Well did you get it?"

"Yeah, along with spine chilling information."

"What are you talking about?" Braxton asked. Her ears raising at attention.

"I found out that Ms. Blossom has been visiting him and she's posing as my mother. He also lied to me bout the Midnight Club. He said that he was the Gargoyle King and he killed Principal Featherhead on ascension night."

"Why can't we just be a normal teenagers. Why are we caught up in our parents horrendous past." Braxton sighed as she ran her hand over her face.

"Speaking of normal teenager. How is Archie?"

"I don't know.. He's not himself that's for sure. I ran into Reggie at pops. Veronica dropped him as soon as Archie came back to town and she's doing everything to ensure he doesn't find out about them."

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