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"So they said nothing? They admitted nothing?" Betty asked Josie, Kevin, and Reggie who sat in the booth across from her and Braxton at Pop's. "All they did was lie and act like they didn't know about G&G." Kevin said. "They also announced they're getting married." Josie sighed. "Oh, seriously? As what, a smokescreen?" Betty snapped.

"I have no clue."

Reggie stayed quiet for most of their conversation. He wore sunglasses even though they were inside. "You think that was a crazy reaction?" He finally spoke up as he took off the sunglasses relieving a blackened eye. "This is what I got when I asked my old man about that stupid game. Why are our parents being so cagey about something that happened years ago? What aren't you telling us?"

Through the door walked in Veronica as her heals clicked against the linoleum floor. "Guys, whatever this is, it has to wait." She snapped as she sat next to Braxton. "What's wrong, V?" She asked.

"Elio took my to see Archie. He's caught up in some diabolical teen fight-club. And I need to break him out of juvie before he dies or kills somebody. And you all have to help me."

"A fight club?" Betty questioned.

"Look, I don't really have time to explain. But it has to happen tomorrow. Are you guys in?"

"Yeah." "Definitely." "For sure." A chorus of agreement came from her friends.

Betty tried to get in contact with Jughead for most of the morning the following day, but had no luck. She wanted to see if he would want to help them break Archie from juvie. As the two made their way down the hatch they saw Jughead standing with Fangs and Sweet Pea. "What are you doing? Getting ready for a party?" Betty asked Jughead. "Sorta. We're about to start a new quest. Do you guys want to join?" He replied.

"Games aren't really my thing." Braxton sighed as she looked down at the table.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't. It's a long story but we're helping Veronica break Archie out of juvie. And I'm hoping you can come with us?" Betty smiled.

"Wait. What? You're breaking Archie out of juvie?" Jughead gasped.

"I know it sounds insane."

"No. Sounds perfect!"

"What? What do you mean?" Braxton asked.

"You guys, this quest that I've been working on, that we're about to start, I thought we were finished, but it lacked heart, it lacked humanity, until you just gave me the missing piece. We'll make it a rescue mission, to save their friend. All Ethel ever talked about was being worthy What is more worthy than that?"

"Jug, this is not a game!" Betty snapped. "This is Archie's life! Since you refuse to recognize that, I'm taking your bike."

She grabbed his keys from his pocket and stormed back towards the ladder. Braxton turned towards Sweet Pea who was already looking at her. "I'll catch you later?" She said. "Of course." He replied.

A/N: I really like in the episode how when they are breaking Archie out, Jughead did a voice over as they played G&G. So, I'm going to attempt that here! The bold italicized lines are what's happening in the bunker, so it'll be Jughead's voice over. The lines that are not bold or italicized are the others breaking Archie out.

Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs all gathered around the game with Jughead down in the bunker. He looked around at them and said, "Thank you all for coming. I've gathered you all here because the world is changing. Strange, dark times have fallen upon us. The realm of Eldervair is in disorder, afflicted by evil, as its heart and soul, the Red Paladin has been captured by the Mad Emperor and twisted into a beast of war.

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