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The Wrym was full that Saturday night. Toni was tending bar, FP was making his rounds to all the Serpents for small talk, Rich was sat on a bar stool already buzzed by nine thirty, and Braxton was sitting next to him milking her whiskey.

Archie walked in and sat next to her facing all the people. "I take it things still aren't going well on the other side of the four letter word, huh?" Braxton asked then took a sip. "I don't know. When I'm with Veronica, as dark as things get- and they've been getting pretty dark, she makes me feel like everything is gonna be fine. She makes things fun. I don't wanna lose that."

"You won't. You just have to give her a little time and space. You're an amazing guy, Arch. Any girl would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks Brax. She just walked in, I'm going to go talk to her, okay?"


"Any girl would be lucky to have you." Jughead mocked. "If he's such a charmmer why don't you go for him?"

"Don't even start Jug." Braxton said as she rolled her eyes.

They looked to the entrance as Betty and Alice Cooper walked into the bar. Alice was dressed in black and leather. Betty was as usual, dressed in more modest pastel clothes.

"Wow, Betty

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"Wow, Betty. Mrs. Cooper. You look incredible." Jughead said as he walked up to them.

"Tell me about it." Alice replied. "I unfortunately couldn't convince this one to dress appropriately. Hog Eye, get me a tequila, straight up. Hold the worm."

"I was talking to you." Jughead said as he hugged Betty and kissed her.

"I have a surprise for you later." Betty replied with a smile.


"Hit me, Hog Eye!" Alice yelled letting him know that she wanted another shot.

"No please, hit me." Braxton groaned as she watched Jughead and Betty kiss more. "Honey, what do you want? A Shirley Temple?" Alice asked Betty, who completely ignored her.

It was almost time for the party to get started. Serpents were becoming restless waiting for the entertainment to start. Sweet Pea kept his distance from Braxton since Rich was there and he didn't feel like getting an earful.

"Hey, can we talk?" Archie asked as he walked up to Veronica. "About what?" She replied.

"About us, Ronnie."

"Archie, this is a party. Must we discuss serious things tonight?"

"I just want you to know, what I said? That was about me and what I was feeling in that specific moment and you shouldn't feel any pressure to say it back to me."

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