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Since moving back to Riverdale Braxton had successfully created an enemy in Veronica Lodge, witnessed the aftermath of a Ghoulie beat down, and caught the attention of a stuborn Serpent. Braxton and Betty sat in a booth at Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe on a gloomy Saturday and waited for Jughead to show up so they could get some lunch.

"So, how do you like Southside High?" Betty asked before she took a drink of her milkshake trying to find coversation. "It's okay. Still have to get used to the whole Ghoulie and Serpent situation." Braxton replied.

"Why don't you come to Riverdale, Brax? It's a great school and you don't have to worry about gangs. Not to mention Jug said you're super smart so it would help you with college."

"It's not so much gang as it is just a rivalry. Besides I don't fit in at Riverdale, you know that."

"But you fit in at Southside?" Betty asked her not buying it.

Being a Jones raised on the Northside wasn't as glamorous as it sounds. Braxton didn't really fit in at Southside because she came from a Northside upbringing and her daddy had money. But she didn't fit in at all at Riverdale because of her Serpent roots. At Riverdale she was basically known as the girl whose dad had the Serpent tattoo.

"Atleast at Southside they don't judge me." Braxton told her as the door to Pop's opened.

The two looked to see who it was that sounded the bells that were tied to the door when they saw a dramatic Jughead scurry his way over to them. "Geraldine Grundy is dead." He told them as he slid into the booth next to Braxton. "You're kidding." Betty said with a shocked look on her face. "I'm sorry, who?" Braxton asked.

"Geraldine Grundy. She used to be a teacher at Riverdale." Jughead informed Braxton. "She was murdered last night in her home."

"I'll be the first to say it, it's about time that someone took it upon themselves to remove that child predator." Betty muttered under her breath. "Child predator? What are you talking about?" Braxton asked confused. Jughead looked at her for a brief moment before he said, "Grundy was the music teacher at Riverdale before she was caught having a relationship with a student."

"Like a sexual relationship?"


"No shit, who?"

Betty and Jughead each traded a look before blurting out, "Archie." at the same time. Braxton's chin about hit the table with the information that she heard. She started to bust up laughing and said, "No really." but when neither of them said anything she knew they weren't kidding. "Oh you're serious? I didn't know Andrews had it in him. I'm surprised."

"It's not funny." Betty snapped at her which caused Braxton to roll her eyes. "He could have gotten in a lot of trouble."

"But he didn't? So it's kind of comical. Speaking of Archie, I met his little girlfriend. I was at his house just catching up because I hadn't seen him in literally years and she came over causing a scene. That girl is a mad house."

"Yeah we heard. She's our friend too, Braxton. You should get to know her. She's not actually like that. She's a great person." Betty told her in an offended tone. "I highly doubt that Veronica Lodge is going to want to hang out with Braxton Jones, the random girl who was at her boyfriends house." Braxton said back with a laugh.

"Well maybe if you didn't go to her boy-" Jughead started to say but Braxton cut him off by pushing him out of the booth and stood up. "Where are you going?" He asked as he fixed his beanie on his head.

"I don't really need the third degree from Bughead. I'm going to go meet up with Toni." Braxton told him then started to head for the door. "What about lunch?" Betty asked.

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