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At Riverdale High everyone was gearing up for the dance that was the following night. Veronica and Betty were running around like their heads were cut off trying to get everything finished. Jughead was walking around with his video camera documenting everything for the film club. Kevin was throwing a fit because he still was told no to running for Ice Queen while Cheryl was bullying people into voting for her. Braxton was over the chaos and ready to go home.

She walked into the student lounge where she saw Casey standing at the vending machine. "Hey." She said walking up to him. He looked at her then faced back towards the machine to punch in his number. "Everything okay?" She asked. "Everything is fine." He replied as he grabbed his candy bar and walked away.

"Okay, then why do you seem like you're pissed at me?"

"Doesn't matter. It's not like I asked you to the formal or anything."

"Shit, is that tomorrow?"

"Seriously?" Casey mumbled and started to walk away.

"Casey, wait."

"No I'm good. I don't know what I was thinking anyway, you know? You still have shit to figure out with SP. Catch ya later, Jones"

Casey saluted Braxton then he turned and walked into the hallway

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Casey saluted Braxton then he turned and walked into the hallway. She walked over to the couch and slummed down pulling out her phone. Archie walked in grabbing a text book off the table when he saw her sitting there. "You okay?" He asked walking up to her. "Can I talk to you?" She replied then chewed on her bottom lip.

"Yeah, always."

"In... private?"

Archie walked Braxton to the Blue and Gold's news paper room and locked the door behind them. He turned to face her and he could see the stress in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"No, Archie I'm not. I'm happy for you and V. I'm happy that you two figured everything out and are happy together. But look where that's left us. We hardly speak."

"I don't want things to be uncomfortable."

"They will only be uncomfortable if you let them be. What happened in your room doesn't leave those four walls. You want to protect Ronnie and I want to protect Sweet Pea. It was one simple kiss. That's it, nothing more."

"I guess I've just been so worried she'd find out that I separated you two."

"I already have enough inconsistency in my life from my dad. I don't need it from my friends too." Braxton look down as she could feel the tears started to fill her eyes. Everything, all the emotions were coming back and it hurt. Archie wrapped his arms around Braxton and held her tight as she fought back her tears. "I'm not leaving you." He whispered.

At the lunch table Betty and Veronica were taking their first breather of the day. The past two weeks they were so wrapped up in planning that they didn't have time to drill Braxton about not going, lucky for her they finally found the time. "What do you mean you're staying home?" Veronica snapped at the news. "I'm not going to the dance?" Braxton replied as she looked towards Kevin who was not about to take part in the attack.

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