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The day after Pickens Day when Hirams hired help went to Pickens Park to clean up the mess, they noticed at some point in the night, someone had removed the head of the bronze status for General Pickens. After the Serpents silent protest, all fingers were pointed directly at them.

As Jughead was about to head for school, there was a knock on the door. When he answered it, he saw Sheriff Keller with a slight smile on his face. "Sheriff Keller, what a surprise." He sighed as he let him in.

"Jughead." He replied as he walked in and saw FP sitting at the table. "FP. Sorry to bother you.

"We don't have General Pickens' head, and we do not know who stole it." FP said cutting him off. "Same as the last four times you came by to ask us and our neighbors."

"You know, Sheriff, these visits are starting to feel a lot like harassment. There's absolutely no evidence. Zero proof whatsoever pointing to any particular group of suspects." Jughead informed him.

"Well, you did write a rather scathing article about the General's legacy, which prompted the Southside Serpents to stop by at Pickens Day with an ax to grind." The Sheriff snapped back.

"I'm actually writing a new article about how you seem to care more about catching a vandal than the Black Hood. Can I get a quote?"

The bell rang at Riverdale and students scurried off to their next class. Veronica walked in to see her friends sitting on the couches. She sat on the arm of the chair Archie was sitting on and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Great you're all here. I already invited Archie," she said. "But I want you guys to be there as well for my confirmation. Usually these kinds of events, baptisms, confirmations are family-only, but since it's all about me and you guys are my chosen family, I pulled a few strings and reserved you a pew. I'd even like to extend the invitation to you, Sweet Pea."

Sweet Pea looked towards Braxton unsure of what to say. Shocked since the two weren't exactly friends "Not to be a dick, but why?" He asked with a slight laugh.

"Well, Braxton is one of my closest gal pals, and you're her man. It's only fitting I extend my hand with an invitation."

"What is the dress code?" Betty asked.

"Catholic chic. So, dresses for the girls, veils optional. And coats and ties for the boys."

"Sounds superb." Kevin smiled.

"We wouldn't miss it, would we Jug?" Betty smiled.

"Great! I can't wait. The Lodge's know how to put on a party. You'll all be impressed." Veronica said with a large smile.

As Braxton walked down the hall, Sweet Pea walked up behind her and said, "I don't have an appropriate coat." "What?" She asked as she let out a laugh.

"Veronica said that we're suppose to wear a coat? I only have my Serpent jacket."

"No babe, she means like a sport coat."

"Like a suit jacket? I for sure don't have one of those."

"No worries. We can go shopping after school. I wouldn't mind seeing you in something other than leather." She smiled as she grabbed his lapel and gave it a slight tug.

"What? Suddenly the leather doesn't interest you?"

"Of course it does. I just think you'd look dapper in a suit jacket."

Braxton looked to her right where she saw Archie and Veronica talking. She could tell by the looks on their faces that they were in a disagreement. When Archie walked away Veronica looked towards her with a concerned look on her face. "I'll be right back." She told Sweet Pea and walked over to her friend. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

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