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It had been days since Archie and Braxton confronted Mr. Svenson and days since anyone heard anything from the Black Hood. As Braxton was getting ready for school she heard her phone going off on her bed with a call from Sweet Pea. "Hello?" She said as she put the phone up to her ear. "Hey, I'm about to leave my house. You ready?" He told her on the other line. Sweet Pea had still been giving her a ride to school everyday.

"It's okay. I think I'm going to drive myself."

"What?" His tone was sharp.

"I think I'll be fine."

"Braxton, I don't think it's a good idea."

"Sweet Pea, it's fine. I'll see you at school, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

"I love you." She told him and hung up the phone before he could change her mind.

As she walked towards the entrance of Riverdale High, it was no surprise that he was standing at the doors waiting for her. "Look at me." She told him with a smile as she held her arms out. "I made it in one piece." He slightly rolled his eyes as he pulled her into him and said, "I still wish you let me bring you." Then kissed her on the head.

The two walked into the school and headed towards her locker. "Hi, Braxton!" Ethel said to her as she walked up to them. "Oh, hey Ethel." She replied.

"Archie is looking for you. He's in the Blue and Gold room."

"Oh, okay great thanks. I'll catch you later?" She said to Sweet Pea as she started down the hallway. "Yeah, I guess I don't really have an option today." He told her.

Ethel watched Braxton as she headed off for Archie then turned her attention back to Sweet Pea. "They've been spending a lot of time together. It's good to see old friends rekindle a relationship." She smiled then walked away. Sweet Pea narrowed his eyes at what she said, unsure of how to take it.

As Braxton walked into the Blue and Gold room Archie quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side. "Did you see him?" He asked. "See who?" She questioned.

"The new janitor."

"The new what?"

"Out there, moping. It's not Mr. Svenson."

"Are you serious?" Braxton walked out of the room and saw an unfamiliar man with a mop in his hand. She walked up to him and said, "Excuse me. Who are you?" "You mean, my name?" He replied.

"Uh, where's Mr. Svenson?"

"No idea. He's been out a few days, they just called me in."

She walked back into the room where Archie was and closed the door behind them.

"Arch, we confronted Mr. Svenson about his connection to the Black Hood. And now he's not here."

"What if something happened to him? We found out Mr. Svenson's secret. What if we led the Black Hood right to him? What if we got him killed?"

"Don't say that." Braxton told him with wide eyes.

"What if we go to his house? Just check on him."

"What, you mean right now?"

"I can't go all day not knowing if something happened to him."

Archie gave Braxton the best pleading look he possibly could. She looked back at him trying to stand her ground, but the guilt of knowing what they may have done got the best of her. "Fine" she grunted as she closed her eyes. "We'll go."

Before first period started Braxton was already ditching school. As she and Archie made their way down the hall, Sweet Pea saw them as they got to the door. "Braxton?" His voice echoed amongst the almost empty hallway. She turned back to him and saw the confusion on his face. "Head to my Jeep. I'll be out in a few." She told Archie and he nodded his head. She started towards Sweet Pea who was already walking her way. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked her.

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