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Not having Jughead around Riverdale high was weird for everyone. With him gone the Serpents needed someone to turn to for leadership, and naturally they turned to Sweet Pea. Not that Braxton minded, she felt it took a lot of his attention off of her. The last thing she wanted was her boyfriend constantly hovering over her. 

Riverdale was quiet. The talk of the Black Hood died off and The Gargoyle King was in the past. Everyone went on to living as normal as they would in the town with pep.

Mad Dog was living at the El Royale which allowed him to attend Riverdale High and play football.
Jughead was at Stonewall Prep living his best life with literary scholars, and was hardly heard from.
And Braxton spent a lot of her time at the Wyrm. When she wasn't at school excelling in classes she was at the bar, drinking away her sober mind.

That Friday night was no different. She sat at the bar, taking shots and downing drinks. She was there for a good time, it was nothing new to any of the Serpents, they all knew to leave her be.

One of the Serpents brought a friend that night, a friend that didn't know Braxton or anything about her. He just saw a pretty girl that was having a good time. He bought her a shot, and she thanked him, not really thinking much of it.

Fifteen minutes later she found herself up on the wooden stage dancing with others. Braxton dancing was a clear indicator of just how drunk she was. She swung around on the pole, grinding with the other girls. Before she knew it, the guy who bought her a shot was now holding her hand as they danced.

He spun her around and wrapped his arm around her waist with her hand still in his. She smiled at him then spun herself away from him.

Back from a late night run, Sweet Pea finally walked into the Wrym with Fangs and Kevin to see Braxton hand in hand with some stranger as they danced. "Who the hell is that?" Sweet Pea snapped at Fangs then started his way over to them as the guy grabbed onto Braxton's waist and pulled her backwards into him.

"Nah, I don't think so, buddy." Sweet Pea told him as he closed in on them. He pushed the guy backwards. He grabbed onto the back pocket of Braxton's shorts and said "Let's go." "What the fuck man? We were dancing." The guy snapped as he pushed Sweet Pea from behind. He turned around and decked the guy cussing him to fall off the stage and everyone in the Wrym looked their way. The music was cut. From the floor the guy looked up at Sweet Pea with a clenched jaw. "Never put your hands on my girl again." He warned.

"Like I knew she had a boyfriend." He told him.

"Serpents know. And by the looks of it you're not one of us." He turned to the crowded bar and said, " I suggest whomever brought him leaves and ensures he never comes back."

The guy flicked his eyes towards Braxton who looked back at him, shrugged and then started for the bar. Sweet Pea followed behind her still holding onto her back pocket. As she tried making her way to order another shot, Sweet Pea pulled for towards the door. "No, I don't want to leave." She told him. But he didn't reply. She could tell that he was mad.

When they got outside Sweet Pea turned around and faced her. "What the hell was that, Braxton?" "I was having a good time" she replied. "And don't curse at me."

"'A good time'? You were rubbing your ass all over him."

"Oh come on, I was not."

"I know what I saw."

"Sure." She chuckled and headed for her Jeep.

"What's with you anymore?"

"Excuse me?" Braxton replied turning to face him. "You know what's 'with me'."

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