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"So how long do you plan on helping Jughead and Betty with the campaign?" Sweet Pea asked Braxton as they walked through the halls of school after the final bell. "I don't know, I guess until I'm no longer needed, why?" She replied.

"Just seems like you go to Jughead's or Betty's and are there all night then come back to my place just in time to head to bed."

Braxton turned to Sweet Pea and could see his clenched jaw, which instantly told her that he was annoyed. Not that she could blame him, she hadn't been paying much attention to him now that he mentioned it. "I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize it. I've just been so caught up in helping Jug-"

"Why?" He asked cutting her off and they both stopped walking.

"What do you mean why? He wants to be president? Why wouldn't I support him?"

"I don't see why he's even-" he started to say but Jughead, who was down the hall, shouted to them, "Guys! Serpent meeting, now."

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes at Jughead's demand and started down the hallway. It had been awhile since she last saw him that hostile, which mean it was only a matter of time before he would explode.

When Braxton walked into the classroom, she walked over and sat next to Toni. "Have you heard from Cheryl yet?" Braxton asked. "Sure haven't." Toni mumbled. It had been three days.

"As you guys know, the student council president election is quickly approaching, and I want to talk to you guys about the vote." Jughead said as he sat on the edge of the teachers desk.

Sweet Pea let out a chuckle as he shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Have something on your mind, SP?" Jughead asked.

"Yeah, actually I do. You promised us a war." He snapped at him. "You promised us war after Hiram took our school from us so he can turn it a prison. And you're way of war is to run in a school election? And now you're on stage looking like Buddy Holly, sucking up to the Northside?"

"We need their votes." Jughead clapped back. "It's the only way that we can affect any change. Whoever's elected gets a seat on the School Board. That means we're on the inside, that means that they can't silence us."

"You and the Northside princess, you mean?"

"Sweet Pea." Braxton quietly said to him.

"Wait, is that why you guys are pissed? Betty's on our side!" Jughead told him. "Yeah. I've helped the Serpents on numerous occasions." She pleaded. "I helped find the Pickens statue's head, I got Cheryl to testify in court so FP, your king, could get early parole."

The last statement caught Braxton's attention.

"You did all that for your boyfriend, not the Serpents." Sweet Pea told her still standing his ground.

"Alright, take it down, Sweet Pea." Jughead warned.

"What, it's only a matter of time before she bails on us, just like her mother."

Braxton rolled her eyes at the way her boyfriend was acting. Betty was her friend. She though she was also his. He never mentioned any issues he had of her before. "Come on, that's enough." She told him as she stood up and walked over to him.

"Okay, so your objections aren't even about me. They're about my mom-" Betty started to defend but Sweet Pea cut her off.

 They're about my mom-" Betty started to defend but Sweet Pea cut her off

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