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Braxton did her best at avoiding Sweet Pea. Whether it was at school or at the Wyrm, anytime he would speak to her she would avoid him or turn the other cheek leading him to eventually do the same. Some would say that they were being dramatic but Braxton was cold and Sweet Pea was angry. Both as stubborn as they come.

"So, what's the 411 with SP?" Toni asked as the two girls walked to the Wyrm. "There isn't one." She replied as she ran her hand through her hair.

"You still haven't spoken to him?"

"No, we basically avoid each."

She grabbed Braxton's arm as soon as they walked through the doors and spun her around to look at her. "I get that he hurt you and I'm totally on your side, but come on, you atleast need to hear him out. Have a heart for three minutes."

Braxton pressed her lips at Toni and looked away. She knew that she was right but wouldn't admit it. Growing up her mother told her that she couldn't get hurt if she simply just didn't care. Typically that's how Braxton was with her relationships, especially with guys. But there was something about Sweet Pea that made him different. And to her surprise she missed him.

"Speaking of the devil." Toni said as she leaned to the side to look behind her. Braxton turned to follow Toni's gaze and her eyes landed on Sweet Pea. He was leaning on the pool table and straightened up as soon as they locked eyes.

 He was leaning on the pool table and straightened up as soon as they locked eyes

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"Just go talk to him." Toni encouraged as she gave her a slight shove. "Promise to leave me alone about it if I do?" Braxton snapped as she swatted her hand away. "Maybe" she replied with a smile.

As Braxton walked over to Sweet Pea their eyes were locked the entire time. As she got closer she could feel her heart as it started to race. "Hey." He said to her in his sweet deep voice. "How about that talk?" She asked as she motioned towards FPs office.

Sweet Pea looked at Fangs who was watching them and motioned that he would be right back to finish their game. The two walked into the room and closed the door behind them. Sweet Pea leaned back against the couch and crossed his arms across his chest and asked, "What's up?" "I don't want things to be this way between us." She said as she walked towards him and placed her hands in her back pockets.

"And how's that?"

"Us avoiding each other. Sure you didn't want to kiss me, whatever. But you were a good friend and I've lost you."

"I wanted to kiss you, believe me I really did. But I didn't mean to and it shouldn't have happened."

"Will you please stop saying that? It doesn't make any sense." Braxton snapped as she became frustrated by hearing the same thing over and over again. "I mean, seriously. How do you want to kiss someone but not mean to?"

"Braxton, it's hard to explain."

"What's so hard about-"

"Because I was told to stay away from you!" He shouted as he cut her off and stood to his feet. "Believe me when I say I would have made you mine the night I first met you if I could have."

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