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It was Monday morning and her last day at Southside. Braxton parked her Jeep and saw all of the cop cars that were posted up outside. She walked in and saw Sweet Pea, Toni, Jughead, and Fangs all standing together talking. "What is this? Another raid?" She asked walking up to them. "Didn't you hear?" Toni asked. "They caught the Sugarman." Fangs added. Her eyes grew wide. "Who?" She asked.

Over all the chattering amongst the students in the hall, the sound of a police radio went off. In the lead were two police officers then around the corner came Sherrif Keller escorting Mr. Phillips out of the school by his arm. "No fucking way." Jughead muttered under his breath. The entire way down the hall Mr. Phillips stared into Braxton eyes. Sweet Pea put his arm around her shoulders pulling her close into him for protection, but Braxton couldn't help but stared back.

"What the hell was that about?" Fangs asked Braxton noticing their eye contact

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"What the hell was that about?" Fangs asked Braxton noticing their eye contact. "Nothing." She replied back then quickly made her way down the hall for the back exit. "You're leaving?" Sweet Pea asked as he followed her. "Yeah." She told him and she reached the door and walked outisde.

"Why? It's your last day here with us."

"What if he thinks I ratted him out for what he did."


"So? Sweet Pea this is Riverdale! He's going to think I'm the reason that he's in jail and he's going to come for me!"

"Babe, come on now. He's just a high school lit teacher. Not a mafia leader."

"He just ran the JJ cartel. You don't know what else he's capable of."

"That may be, but as I told you I'll protect you. I won't let him or anyone else hurt you." Sweet Pea told her as he took a panicked Braxton into his arms and kissed the top of her head. "I love you."

"I love you more."


In the evening night the neon sign above Pop's glowed bright and the booths sat full of teenagers not ready to go home. Braxton sat with Fangs and Toni waiting for Sweet Pea to get back from a run with FP. The two sat across from Braxton dying to ask what the look was for that Mr. Phillips had given to her earlier, but neither wanted to speak up and be the one to pry.

The door to Pop's swung open sounding the bells on the door and Archie appeared in the diner. He walked by the three sitting in the booth saying hi to Braxton as he passed. The two Serpents narrowed their eyes at Braxton and Fangs rolled his. "What?" She asked sounding annoyed. "Why is Andrews suddenly talking to you?" He asked.

"I ran into him at Riverdale the other day. He's probably just trying to be nice."

"Haven't even had your first day there and you're already becoming a Northsider." Toni replied.

"Oh come on. You know I wouldn't ditch you guys."

"Sure you wouldn't."

"Wouldn't what?" Sweet Pea asked as he slid into the booth next to Braxton.

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