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Saturday meant the state championship was finally happening. The Bull Dogs worked hard all season long to get to where they were, and they were hungry for a victory.

Braxton rolled over and looked at the face of her boyfriend as he slept next to her. The sun hit his face just right, exposing all of his scars. The one on his lip from Archie. The one above his right eyebrow from a Ghoulie. And the on the left side of his forehead from Casey. She reached over and cupped his face with her hand, which woke him up. He gave her a sleepy smile. "What?" He asked. "I love you." She replied quietly and placed her lips on his.

He smiled back before he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. "Morning breath and all?"

"Morning breath and all."


"Without a doubt."

They shared one last kiss before Braxton sat up and climbed her way out of bed. "Where are you going?"

"Shower." She told him as she headed for the bathroom.

"Say less." He replied and quickly crawled out of bed and chased after her.

As they walked down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, Danny sat at the island drinking his morning coffee. "I heard that, you know." He groaned at his sister and Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea felt his face turn red as he gave an awkward smile while Braxton shrugged her shoulders.

"Leaving in 10 SP. You better be ready." Rich said as he walked in through the kitchen door and past them for the stairs.

"Ready?" Braxton asked looking to Sweet Pea. "Ready for what? Where are you going?"

"Serpent Run." He replied before taking a sip of his coffee.

"What, no? The State championship is today. I thought we would go together."

"Shit, I totally forgot.."

"No, hell no. You are not getting out of another run." Danny protested. "You've been lucky these last few times. You're due."

Sweet Pea looked at Braxton with sorry eyes. She felt her shoulders drop as she let out a heavy sigh. "I'll just go to the game with Betty."

"We'll rain check on a game, okay?" Sweet Pea promised.

"Pea, it's the last game of the season. It's okay, really."

"I'll make it up to you."

"For the love of God, please wait until I'm not home to do that". Danny groaned.

"Do what?" Rich questioned as he appeared out of no where.

"Nothing!" Braxton quickly said, internally dying at the thought of her dad being told about her and Sweet Pea's sex life.

When Braxton got to Riverdale's field, it didn't take long for her to find Betty who was sitting next to Jughead. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked as she sat next to her cousin and took some of his blanket. "Shouldn't you be on the other side with your cult?" "Uhh, yeah I don't think so. I'm a Bulldog at heart." He replied.

"Munroe is playing." Betty told Braxton as she leaned forward to look at her. Braxton was surprise by the news. "He what? I thought his knee was busted?"

"So did I."

"Well, maybe he's on some pain killer so he can play." Jughead shrugged.

"It will have to be a pretty intense pill if he plans to play all four quarters." Braxton chuckled. "By the way Betty, I don't recall seeing your article in the Blue and Gold. Surely my detective work wasn't for nothing?"

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