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"You don't actually think that Chic can be the Black Hood, do you?" Braxton asked Betty as the two walked up the stairs for school. "I mean, why not? It's weird that as soon as he comes back after my mom kicked him out that there's another Black Hood attack." She replied.

"Was he at your house when the Andrews were attacked?"


"Okay, but the Black Hood was a big man. Chics the exact opposite."

"Maybe he has another accomplice. Like Mr. Svenson."

"How would Chic even know Mr. Svenson? Look Betty, all I'm saying is that your suspicions are finding more questions than they are answers."

"Give me time, I'll figure it out." Betty told her before she walked away to find Jughead.

When Braxton turned the corner to head to her locker, she saw Sweet Pea standing at his talking to Josie. She felt her eyes instantly start to roll to the back of her head and her checks flush with anger.

She started to head their way and when she did Josie took notice. Sweet Pea's eyes followed hers and a large smile came over his face when he saw Braxton. "Hey babe." He said and he kissed her head. "Hey." She replied holding Josies eyes and she took that as her one and only warning. "I should get to class." Josie sighed and quickly walked away.

Sweet Pea looked at Braxton and said, "I just heard about what happened at the Andrews. Are you okay." "Yeah, I'm fine. What were you and Josie talking about?" She asked, disinterested in any other conversation.

"We were just talking, why?" He replied with an annoyed tone.

"I don't trust her."

"I've never given you any reason not to trust me though?"

"I do trust you."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I don't know, ask yourself what the issue is with Archie, and then maybe you'll know."

Sweet Pea could tell his girlfriend was pissed. "I'm not doing this today. I'll see you in class." He mumbled and stormed down the hall.

It was hypocritical and she knew it. She trusted that Sweet Pea would never cheat on her with Josie. Just as she knew she would never cheat on him with Archie. But the kiss they shared made it harder and harder for her to convince herself that Sweet Pea had nothing to worry about, because ultimately his prior concerns were now a reality.

"Care to tell me why an angry storm was just charging his way down the hallway and nearly plowed me over?" Braxton heard a familiar voice say from behind her. When she turned around Casey was standing there looking at her. "You're back?" She said in a flat tone and turned to head towards her locker. "And better than before." He replied following behind her.

"Are you back to stay this time? Or are you going to disappear in a two weeks like usual."

"You've been keeping tabs on me?"

"No, your patterns are just predictable."

"You seem like you're in a bad mood. Did you and lover boy get into a fight and that's why he's storming down the hall?" He asked as he leaned up against the lockers next to hers

"No? And if we did I don't see how that's any of your business."

"I care about you, is all."

Braxton looked at Casey who had ornery smirk on his face, she offered him a small smile so she didn't seem so harsh.

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