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The class room was dark from half of the lights being shut off. Mr. Phillips made his way over to his desk where he took a seat infront of the computer screen and pulled a chair up next to him. "Sit." He told her as he patted the seat. Braxton walked up and did as she was told.

She turned her legs slightly away from him so their knees wouldn't accidently touch and she got settled in the chair. "I thought you would have been one of my best students." He told her as he pulled up her grades on the screen. "Am I not doing well?" She asked as her stomach bottomed out.

"Well, you're not failing if that's what you're asking. You have a B."

"A B!" She reapted with shock as she leaned over to look at the screen.

"Well, a B-, actually."

"Oh my God, my dad is going to kill me."

"Relax, a B is still a solid grade. If you are wanting an A I can help you, but you have to be willing to put in the work." He told her as he put his hand on her right knee sending a shiver up her spine. Braxton immediately looked down at his hand then back up at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" She asked nervously as she pulled the hem of her skirt down as much as she could. He let out a laugh and said "Well for starters you have to show up to class."

He turned his attention back to his computer removing his hand and Braxton quickly turned more away from him. "You're a bright girl, Braxton. Your grade is so low due to tests that you've missed and homework assignments I never got back."

"I thought I was all caught up?"

"You have two zeros from tests and three missing assignments."

"Am I able to make them up?"

"You can, yes. But you'll be penalized 5%."

"I'll do it! When does this need to be completed by?"

"You can take one of the tests now, if you would like."

"Yes, please, anything."

Mr. Phillips smiled and looked at Braxton. "Grab and desk if you would. I'll get the first test for you." She stood up and walked over to her usual spot. His eyes followed her until she turned to sit and he grabbed the test from his filing cabinet and walked over and set it infront of her. "This is the final test on the Scarlette Letter. It's worth one hundred points and you have 30 minutes to complete it. If you get them all correct you'll lose 5% and receive a ninety five. And then so on and so fourth. Best of luck Miss. Jones."

She looked down at the three page test that laid infront of her and read the first multiple choice question. What year was the Scarlett Letter publish? "1850." She said to herself and marked the answer.

As expected she flew threw the test in about thirteen minutes. Mr. Phillips graded it giving her a 94% after her 5% deduction. "Nicely done." He told her as he handed her the test and three homework assignments. "We're having a makeup day tomorrow in class. You can finish your other test of the Great Gatsby then and turn in those assignments by the end of class."

"Thank you, I greatly appreciate it." She told him taking the papers. "And Braxton," he said as he grabbed her hand. "If you need anymore help with your assignments or going over the literature, I'm always free after school. We can meet up at Pop's or something if you'd like. You can always come to my house, I live near by." She looked down at her arm and the hand that was holding hers. It was almost like a jolt of electricity ran through her and all her hairs stood on end. When he let go and she could see the white imprints that were left from his fingers.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked taking a step back. "Offering you my help." He replied.

"You don't tell a student that she can come by your house for help?"

"I'm just being nice, that's all. We would be just as productive here in my classroom."

Braxton didn't respond, she quickly turned and made her way out of the classroom and down the hall. When she rounded the corner she saw Sweet Pea standing at his locker and she stopped in her tracks. He looked up at her and noticed the panic in her eyes. "Brax? Are you okay?" He asked and took a step towards her. "I'm fine." She replied taking a step back and rubbed the wrist of the hand that Mr. Phillips was just holding.

"What did he do?"

"Nothing! God Pea, just leave me alone." But she lied. First Mr. Phillips gave her an off putting vibe and grabbed her elbow. He then told her to come back and speak to him on her free period where he touched her knee, grabbed her hand, and offered to meet her after school at Pops or his house. It was official, she could tell Sweet Pea everything that happened, but for some reason she couldn't. She felt embarrassed, almost like it was all her fault. Like she made him become interested. She walked past Sweet Pea and headed for the news room where she assumed Jughead would be.

Sweet Pea slammed his locker shut and started to walk down the hall. When he turned the corner he saw that Mr. Phillips had been standing there, listening to them. Sweet Pea stared into his eyes before he continued down the hall.


Sweet Pea was standing outside of the Wrym smoking a cigarette when the door opened and 3 young Serpettes walked out, one being Britt Boyer. When she noticed Sweet Pea standing alone she looked him up and down and called out to her friends, "Hey, I'll catch up, give me five." And Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.

She walked up to him and said, "Hey stranger." "Hey." He replied with a flat tone.

"Don't be so excited to see me, would ya? I'm sure you've heard about your girlfriend attacking me."

"I've heard that you ran your mouth and got what you deserved."

"So that's what we're calling it these days. I heard about the Ghoulies butchering your face, they did a number on you." Sweet Peas eyes flicked towards Britt then he looked away hoping maybe she would leave, but she didn't. "So what is this? You get a girlfriend and I don't matter anymore?"

"Braxton and I have been dating for a while now. Why are you just bringing this up?"

"Because I finally know why you're with her, and it's not fair to her. You know that."

"Let me guess? Pussy and status?"

"Don't act like I'm wrong. You know it and I know it."

"You're wrong, Britt."

"You never wanted a relationship, all you wanted was power in the Serpents. Then suddenly Braxton Jones comes to Riverdale and you found your in and you took it.

"Once again, you're wrong Britt."

"Am I really though?" She questioned taking a step towards him and tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear.

"Get the hell away from me, and stay away from Braxton." Sweet Pea snapped. He put his cigarette out and headed for the door to the Wrym. Britt watched him walk away until the door was closed between them. She was hell bent on getting into Sweet Pea's head.

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