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Fun fact: I named my fanfiction Faithfully because your girl LOVES herself some Journey and I think Braxton and Sweet Pea relate to the lyrics.

"And being apart ain't easy on this love affair.
Two strangers learn to fall in love again.
I get the joy of rediscovering you.
Oh, girl, you stand by me.
I'm forever yours,


To be completely honest, Braxton was never really into first dates. She felt they were always full of awkward silences and forced conversations. Luckily for her, she and Sweet Pea practically skipped that part of their relationship. They started out as friends and skipped right to the kiss. The only awkwardness she had to deal with was the silent treatment in between them before they finally started to date.

As for Casey? Well they were friends. Friends who were going on a date. A date? Date. The word sounded strange to her as she stood in front of her mirror curling her hair.

There was a knock on the frame of the open door of her bathroom, then within seconds Danny appeared. "Going out tonight?" He asked and he leaned his shoulder against the frame. "I have a date." She replied, it still didn't sound right.

"A date? With who? Mantel?"

Braxton let out a laugh. "No, not Reggie. It's with Casey."


"Please, don't. I know that he was a Ghoulie at one time, but he's changed. He's reformed if you would."


"Yup, reformed."

Danny stared at his sister giving her a 'you can't be serious' look. She chose to ignore him as she started to curl the last section of her hair.

"Well, I was going to see if you wanted to grab a few drinks with me at the Wrym."

"I don't go to the Wrym anymore." She quickly responded.

"Because of Sweet P-"

"No, I just don't go. I got tired of all the smoke."

"But you love the Wrym?"

"And I changed my mind."

Danny stepped into the bathroom and sat on his sister's vanity right next to her. "Look, if you're not over Sweet Pea, maybe you shouldn't be going on this date."

"I am over him."

"Braxton, I'm not an idiot."

"I broke up with him, Danny. I can't go back on that. And what if I never do get over him? What am I to do for the rest of my life? Fawn over him and wish he was mine? I can't do that. Besides, he already replaced me. It's time I replace him."

"He didn't replace you, B. He found someone to get his mind off you."

"That's called a replacement."

"No, that's called a rebound." He let out a deep sigh and stood to his feet. He kissed his sister on top of her head and said, "I love you, just be careful, okay?"

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