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When she woke up, Braxton was confused by her unfamiliar surroundings and the sound of the monitors and low volume on the TV. She turned her head and saw Rich sitting in the chair next to her. "Dad?" She said the best she could and he shot up in his chair.

 "Dad?" She said the best she could and he shot up in his chair

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"Hey sweet girl," He said with a sad smile. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. H-how's Danny?"

"He's good. He got a few stitches and some burn treatments. But he's fine."

"Burn treatments?"


Braxton could feel her stomach drop. Even though Danny would deny it, she knew it was all her fault. If she would have just called Archie like they wanted, all of his torture could have been avoided.

"I'm glad you're okay though. Everyone has been waiting on you to wake up." Rich continued.


"Yeah. Mom, Toni, Jug, Fangs, Archie, Betty, Veronica, Kevin, FP, and uhm- Sweet Pea."

As soon as Sweet Pea's name left Rich's lips Braxton immediately looked into his eyes and pressed her lips together. Although Rich claimed that he accepted her relationship with Sweet Pea, she knew deep down that Rich still had his reservations. Anytime his name was brought up, she waited for her dad to make a comment. But he didn't. Rich saw the look on his daughters face and grabbed her hand and said, "He's stayed by your side this entire time. Only reason he's not here now is because I was tired of his stomach growling and made him go get some food."

Braxton chuckled at the idea of Rich getting annoyed by the whale calls Sweet Pea's stomach makes anytime he goes more than three hours without food.

"He really loves you." Rich assured her. "I can tell by the way he looks at you and cares for you. These past three days he's been a mess. I've never seen someone so angry and sad at the same time."

The door to the hospital room opened and Sweet Pea came inside holding a sandwich in one hand and chips and a drink in the other. He fumbled trying to get the door closed without dropping anything.

He looked up at Braxton and immediately froze dropping his sandwich when he saw her sitting up. "Brax-" he said just loud enough that it wasn't a whipser. She smiled at him and, "Hey, you."

"I'll let you two talk." Rich said then stood from the chair and headed towards the door. He patted Sweet Pea on the shoulder then slipped outside.

Sweet Pea picked his sandwich up and set it along with the bag of chips and his drink down on the counter and quickly made his way to Braxton. He sat on the edge of her bed and cupped her cheek in his hand. He ran his thumb pad over her bruised cheek bone and licked his lips trying to find his words.

"I- I'm sorry." He finally said. "No, none of this is your fault." Braxton assured him. "This is all because of that stupid game. They tried using me as a pawn to lure Archie there."

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