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"What's this about?" Braxton asked as she walked into the Wrym. The young Serpents huddled around a table talking amongst themselves. "We're planning a way to take out the Riverdale Registry." Toni told her and she made her way to her side.


"Did you see the article Alice Cooper wrote?"

"The one that's completely ripping apart the Southside? Who hasn't."

"It's time we take matters into our own hands."

"What do you have in mind?"

"We don't know yet. That's what we are trying to decide now. But we'll figure it out." Fangs told her.

Braxton took the open seat next to Fangs. She looked up and met the eyes of Sweet Pea who quickly looked the other way to totally avoid eye contact. 'Weird' Braxton thought to herself.

After about twenty minutes of going back and forth Fang sat up straight and said, "I've got it. I don't know if it can be pulled off or not yet, but if it can be it will be great."

"Well what is it?" Toni asked. "Nope." Fangs refused to answer, "You'll just have to wait and see!" Everyone let out a groan, dying to know right then and there. They all stood up and went amongst themselves once the brain storming was done. Some headed for the pool tables and others heading for the doors.

Sweet Pea stood up and slid his jacket over his shoulders and headed for the door himself. On his way out he slid past Braxton which caused her to go unblanced. He grabbed her waist to steady her and said, "Sorry." but quickly kept walking.

Braxton's eyes followed him as he meet up with Fangs who waved at Braxton before they exited the building. She walked over to Toni who was wiping down the bar top and slumped into a bar stool. "Why so sad?" Toni asked "I'm not sad." Braxton replied.

"I may have only known you a few weeks now but you're one of the best friends that I've got. Don't lie to me, girl."

"It's complicated."

"What's more complicated than Sweet Pea making it obvious he's into you and you making it obvious you're into him but you're not together?"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"Brax? Are you really going to act like I didn't just see him completely avoid you."

"You saw that too? So it's not just me?"

"Hell no it's not."

"He kissed me last night."

"What!" Toni gasped with wide eyes. "When!"

"It was after the fight. He randomly showed up at my house and crawled through my bedroom window."


"What? Don't tell me he has a girlfriend."



Toni let out a laugh and said, "Nah, SP just doesn't date."

"So he kissed me for shits and gigs?"

"Serpents don't care, babe. They sling their tongue down throats of anyone to see where it will get them."

"Gee, thanks." Braxton said as she gave Toni a sarcastic thankful look.

"Relax. Maybe it's different with you."

"Doesn't seem like it."

Braxton was never the relationship type herself, but over the past few weeks her and Sweet Pea just sort of clicked and she didn't like the idea of being played.

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