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Although he isn't proud of it, Jughead did what he felt he had to do to ensure that the Serpents stayed afloat. He took his moms advice and met up with a Ghoulie to see if they would potentially be interested in cutting a deal and joining forces. In that meeting it was brought to Jugheads attention that the Ghoulies did in fact have a someone who lead them. It wasn't Malachai, nor was it Penny, but a kid named Kurtz.

He set on a quest to find Kurtz, but decided to go on his own as the Serpent King. He assumed that it would be less threatening. While he did, Braxton decided to check in on Archie.

Braxton spent most of her time with Sweet Pea and Fangs. Everyone was still so distant with one another. Veronica was dealing with her father, businesses, and new love interest Reggie. Betty was trying to figure out what was going on with her mom and the Farm. Jughead was trying to save the Serpents. And Toni was done, she was focusing on what mattered to her now. It wasn't even senior year yet and they all felt the distance increase between them each and everyday.

After checking the Andrews home and being told by Fred that Archie was down at the gym, she showed up looking for him. "Of course Archie Andrews would channel all of his anger and frustrations into beating someone up." She laughed as she walked up to him practicing for a boxing match that was coming up. "It's the only thing keeping me going as this point." He smiled at her.

"How have you been?"

"Better, actually. Things are uh- things are looking up."

"I'm glad. I really am!"

"I have a big fight coming up if you want to come. I'm fighting Randy Ronson. The guy is 12 and 0 with ten KOs."

"Sounds impressive. What time?"

"Seven on Friday, should be a close one."

"That confident in yourself, huh?" She smiled.

"Mr. Keller has been coaching me. I'm ready for that win. I can almost taste it."

"I bet you are, of course I'll come." Braxton looked around the gym and decided that it was time to face the elephant in the room. "So, what's this I hear about you and Josie? Are you two an item now?"

"We aren't together, no." He laughed. "But she's helped me a lot and she's fun to hang out with. What about you and Sweet Pea? Things going good?"

"Stronger than ever."

"Hell yeah, that's what I like to hear."

"Did you know Gladys was back in town?"

"What? No. Jughead didn't say anything to be about it."

"Yeah, it's kind of weird. But, Jug seems happy so what can I do about it.. I should get going. I'm suppose to be picking up some food at Pop's. I'll see you Friday?"

"Hell yeah you will." He smiled.

The cheers from the crowd were loud as they bounced off the gyms walls. As Archie was in the ring he looked around. He wasn't nervous, he was prepared. He felt at home.

Just as the match was about to start and the ring girl was walking holding the first card, Braxton showed up and took a seat amongst the crowd behind Archie's corner. She was excited to support her friend in something new that he had grown to love.

Tom squated down infron of Archie as he prepared him for his fight. "Okay, remember what I told you. Ronson's not used to fighting his way out of the third round, all right? So keep moving, work the jabs, circle away from his power, and stay off the ropes. He's gonna gas himself out, and you're gonna knock him over like a bag of flour."

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