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The Quarantine was finally lifted. Everyone was free to come and go as they pleased. But Riverdale just wasn't the same.

Friendships weren't the the same. Some who were once close were now becoming strangers. The crime rate was up. Riverdale clearly lost its pep. The only thing the teenagers had to look forward to during the summer was Le Bonne Nuit at night.

As Reggie drove down the back roads with a truck full of beer for Le Bonne Nuit, he ran over a spiked board and his tires instantly ran flat. He got out and examined the damage. "Shit" he muttered as he looked at the flatten tires. When he turned around to head back into the cab he was taken off guard by a kid in a gargoyle mask. "What the hell, man?" He snapped. "Veronica Lodge hasn't paid what she owes." The kid in the mask said and suddenly Reggie was surrounded by others in masks. They grabbed onto him. "Let go of me!" He shouted as he tried to break free, but it was no use.

Back at Le Bonne Nuit as Braxton stitched up his face from the attack, Veronica handed him an ice pack and said, "I'm sorry that this happened, Reggie. With my father breathing down our necks, I suppose it was only a matter of time."

"Every time I make a beer run across the border, I've been changing it up. Never taking the same road twice." He told her. "He got lucky."

"Daddy made it very clear that if La Bonne Nuit was to continue operating in a post-quarantine Riverdale, I'd have to give him 10% of my earnings for the privilege."

"If you start paying him for protection now, you'll never stop."

Veronica stood up and walked over to the bar where she grabbed a contract and held it up to the two. "But there are ways to minimize that price. 5% feels fair. And once Daddy reviews these well cooked books, he'll be none the wiser."

"Has anyone ever told you you're a badass?" Reggie smiled. Veronica smiled back at him. It was clear that something was starting to surface between them.

"Alright," Braxton sighed as she finished the stitches and Reggie's face. "you are good to go. Just be careful next time."

"Thanks B, I owe you one." He told her.

Veronica stood to her feet and she walked over to the bar, "Care for whiskey for your troubles?" She asked her.

"No thanks. Jughead ordered an emergency mandatory Serpent meeting and I'm already running late. I'll catch you guys later?"

"Later." They said at the same time.

When Braxton got to Sunnyside, the serpents were already all gathered around

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When Braxton got to Sunnyside, the serpents were already all gathered around. She walked up next to Betty and Jughead glared at her. "What?" She asked him. "This meeting was suppose to start ten minutes ago." He snapped at her.

"Okay, well I'm sorry. But our friend Reggie got jumped by a bunch of gargoyles and I needed to stitch him up." She clapped back. She wasn't going to take attitude from the same kid she made cry all the time in 4th grade.

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