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When they got to the Wrym, Braxton ran inside to find someone to help Fangs carry Sweet Pea in. When she opened the door she saw FP sitting at the bar and Rich next to him.

"Braxton? What the hell are you doing? You should be in school." Rich told her. "Dad thank God you're here. Please, I need your help." She replied then headed for the back office.

Rich and FP immediately stood up following pursuit.

"What's wrong?" FP asked.

"It's Sweet Pea, he's in my car out back."

"Is he okay?" Rich questioned.

"He's bloody and beat up. I-I don't know what to do."

Rich opened the back door in the office and they saw her parked car with Sweet Pea passed out in the back. "Hold the door, Braxton. FP will you help me get him out to carry him? Fangs I need you to support his head."

Braxton held the door open as the three men carried him in to the couch.

"Do you two know what happened?" Rich asked Braxton as he pulled her into him for a hug after seeing the fear on her face.

"No, he never came and got me this morning for school so I drove myself and when I relaized he wasn't there I got worried."

"No one knew where he was, sir." Fangs told him.

"He more than likely has a concussion and it looks like he will need some stitches. My medicine bag is out in my truck. Braxton will you go grab it then wait out in the bar until I'm done."

"No." Braxton protested as she walked over to Sweet Pea and grabbed his hand, "I'm not leaving him."

Rich started to say something but FP patted his arm and said. "Let her be. I'll go grab your bag from the truck." before he and Fangs disappeared behind the door to go back out to the bar.

Rich cleaned Sweet Pea's cuts, luckily they weren't too deep and Rich was able to put butterfly bandages on them. He also confirmed a concission. "He will need two Tylenols and two ibuprofen every six hours. I don't have anything stronger at the moment. He's going to be tired and sore for awhile, but he'll be okay. I'll check on him later." He told her. "You promise you don't know what happened?"

"Dad, I don't. I was with him last night at Pop's then left to find you."

"He really should go to the Emergency Room."

"He won't go for that." Fangs told him as he walked into the room. Rich looked at Fangs and said "I'll be back in an hour."

When he walked out of the room Fangs and Braxton exchanged looks. "Do you think it was the Ghoulies?" She asked. "Or one of those damn Northsiders. Either way someone is going to pay." Fangs replied as he kicked FPs desk.

"I shouldn't have left him at Pop's alone."

"You didn't know anything bad would happen, Brax. I mean come on, this is Sweet Pea we are talking about. He usually holds his own. He was either severely out numbered or caught off guard."

Braxton looked down at him and examed his face. Now that he was cleaned up she could see all the damage that was done. She brushed his hair out of his face and behind his ear then ran her thumb across his cheek.

"Probably both. I'll be back." She told Fangs as she headed for the back door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To see Archie."

It was still lunch time at Riverdale High so Braxton figured that Archie would be sitting outside with his friends. She made her way to the court yard, ignoring every cat call and whistle that was thrown her way from those admiring her skin tight jeans and low cut top. She spotted him sitting at a table with Betty and Veronica.

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