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The Serpents didn't waste anytime when it came to getting their beloved Hot Dog back. That night they gathered at the Wrym, hopped into hog eyes truck, and took off for Ghoulie territory.

"Alright." Jughead said when they got there.
"Sweet Pea and Fangs, keep a look out. Braxton and I are going to head in and get Hot Dog." "I can do this alone." She told him, that was after all her understanding of the deal.

"I don't think so." Jughead replied. "I'm not sending you in there alone."

Braxton rolled her eyes and grabbed the bolt cutters from the bed of the truck. She handed them to him as she passed by, walking towards the pen.

"Hey buddy." Jughead whispered towards Hot Dog as they got close hoping he wouldn't bark. As soon as Hot Dog saw it was him, his tail began to wag. Braxton lifted the chain up for Jughead to cut. The end that was attached to the dog house dropped to the ground and Braxton stood with the side connected to Hot Dog in hand. "Let's get you outta here." She said and started to pull on the chain.

As the two started out of the gate of the pen he was contained in, flood lights all around switched on and Ghoulies came pouring out from everywhere.

"Hiya, Jonesies." Penny said as she made her way front and center with Malachai. "Welcome back to the Southside. I thought this mangey mutt might get you to show up. We need to talk, Jughead."

"No we don't, Penny. We're just here for the dog."

Malachai looked Braxton up and down. He smiled and said, "Are you sure that's all you come for?" Braxton let out a laugh in response and rolled her eyes.

"If you didn't want trouble, why have you been sending spies? You need to back off." Penny warned.

"Unless you want to replay any of the nights that we annihilated you, Jones." Malachai added.

"Yeah, I've been sending scouts. I was looking for Hot Dog. Now that I've got him, we're good." Jughead and Braxton turned to head back to the truck.

"Not so fast." Penny called to them. "Your jackets."

"What about them?" Braxton asked.

"Southside isn't yours anymore. That means you're no longer the Southside Serpents."

"Really, Penny? A jacket?"

"We could always just take it off your limp dead bodies. Oh and by the way little Jones, congratulations on finally becoming a Southside Serpent. Just sucks that you're going to be losing the title here soon." Braxton shot her a dirty look.

"You can have the jackets as long as you and the Ghoulies stay out of the Northside and away from Sunnyside and the Wrym." Jughead offered.

"Oh, you don't get to make demands." Malachai said as he stepped forward towards them. When he did, Cheryl took it as a threat and drew back her arrow releasing it and landing it right into Malachai's left shoulder.

"Cheryl!" Braxton shouted, upset she released fire with no real threat. "Told you I was in the mood for some hell raising." Cheryl sternly replied.

"That's it. Just kill 'em all." Penny ordered the Ghoulies.

"Cheryl, aim your next arrow right between Penny's eyes." Jughead quickly demanded and Cheryl did as she was told. "You and your Ghoulies take one more step, she's gonna release that arrow."

"And Cheryl doesn't miss." Braxton smiled at her.

Penny held up her hand signaling for all Ghoulies to stand down. She let out a soft laugh and said, "Congratulations. You've just made the Northside fair game."

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