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"Braxton!" Rich called from the kitchen as he set the mail on the island on that Thursday morning. A moment later Braxton made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Yeah?" She asked as her dad poured himself a cup of coffee.

"You have mail." He replied motioning towards the stack of mail. When Braxton looked down she saw a letter from Harvard sitting on top. She looked up at her dad with big eyes. "Well, are you going to open it?"

"Open what?" Sweet Pea asked as he walked in behind her and kissed Braxton on the cheek.

"Her letter came from Harvard."

Sweet Pea looked down at Braxton with eyes just as big as hers. "I-I didn't know you applied?"

"Yeah, Mrs. Burble was riding me hard about college applications. I didn't think I would hear back this soon." She replied.

"The suspense of killing me, come on Brax." Rich laughed handing the letter to his daughter.
She look it from his hand and ripped the edge of the envelope to pull the letter out.

Nervously, she unfolded the trifold and began to read out loud. "On behalf of the admissions committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to Harvard College!"

"You got in!?!" Sweet Pea shouted as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up in a hug. 

"I got in!" She shouted.

"Hell yeah, that's my girl!" Rich clapped his hands at his daughters success. After Sweet Pea put her down Rich wrapped his arms around her and then looked at the letter. "This needs to go on the fridge." He smiled and placed it under a magnet. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks dad." She replied.

"As much as I'd love to celebrate right now, I need to
Get going to work. We'll celebrate tonight though, deal?"


He gave her one last hug before he kissed her on the forehead and headed out the door.

Braxton turned and looked at Sweet Pea. He wore a smile on his face but she could see in his eyes that there was something more.

"Harvard." He said to her motioning towards the letter of the fridge."

"Harvard." She smiled back.

"I'm happy for you."

"Are you?"

"Of course I am. That's huge Brax. It's an amazing accomplishment. You deserve it."

"Thank you." She told him.

He looked at the time on the stove and saw that instead 7:40. "We should get going before we're late to school."

He quickly walked by her and headed for the stairs. Her eyes followed behind him wishing he would be honest with her. She looked back towards the fridge and reread her letter. She couldn't help the large smile that came over her face.

The halls at school were filled with students who also got their admissions letters in the mail that morning. Some students were celebrating while others were left in the dumps due to being wait listed or denied.

With the depression that was weighing heavy on the student body, Mr. Honey thought it would be wise for Mrs. Burble to clear her week so she could speak with each senior regarding their future.

"Miss. Jones." Mrs. Burble said as she sat down for her session with Braxton. Braxton honestly didn't know why she was there. She got into her dream school. The last thing she needed was guidance. "Mrs. Burble." She replied.

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