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Braxton looked over her shoulder as she saw Archie slump to his locker. "Why are you so tired?" She asked him. "Huh?" He questioned.

"You look like you're running on next to no sleep. Well, aside from the 20 minute nap you just took English."

"Shit, you saw that?"

"You were drooling on your notes." She laughed as Archie shook his head. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Where's your bodyguard?"

"Knowing Sweet Pea, he's around."

"So.. You doing good?"

"I am!"

Archie looked back at Braxton like he didn't believe her. "I'm glad." He told her. "Hey, so we are having Thanksgiving for the kids at the community center."

"Oh, I'd love to help!"

"That's great. But I was actually just inviting you to come eat. Mad Dog and I have it taken care of."

"You guys are cooking?"

"Yeah! Well, my mom and his grandma are helping out."

"Are they?"

"Okay.. so my mom and his grandma are cooking and we are helping out." Archie laughed. "You should come down though! And of course Sweet Pea, your dad, mom, and Danny are welcome."

"It would probably just be Sweet Pea and me. Dad and Danny will be at the Wrym all day. And my mom, well.. she's busy."

"Great, I look forward to it."

"What about the ice storm?"

"All the more reason these kids need a hot meal."

"Hey, babe. You ready to get to class?" Sweet Pea asked as he walked up to them.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I'll catch you later, Arch."

"See ya, Brax."

Braxton and Sweet Pea headed down the hall, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "You could be nicer, you know. I get being upset with Jughead, but Archie?"

"I'm not upset with Archie? I just don't like him. Never have." Sweet Pea smiled.

"He's my friend, Pea."

"Yeah, who wishes he was more."

"You don't know that."

"Trust me baby, a boyfriend just knows."

"Well, you're in luck."

"How's so?"

"We're joining Archie and Mad Dog for Thanksgiving at El Royal."

Sweet Pea stopped in his tracks. "Brax.. no."

"Yes. You didn't really think we would spend it all day at the Wrym like all the other Serpents, did you?"

Sweet Pea stepped towards wrapping his arm around her waist and pulled her into him. "No, I was hoping we would get the house to ourselves all day." He smiled a mischievous smile then pressed his lips against hers.

"Eh-hmmm" they heard someone say. When the two looked their way they saw Mr. Honey standing there watching them. "PDA is against school rules." "Yeah well, kidnapping and torture are against the law and yet somehow a felon is enrolled here." Sweet Pea snapped back at him.

"Mr. Michaels I was gracious enough to allow you back in my school after you physically assaulted another student."

"A felon. I assaulted a felon for what he did to my girlfriend."

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