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*Story will contain adult content*
*Explicit language*
*Mention of alcohol and drug abuse*

Being a Jones is never easy, especially in the town of Riverdale. Even though Braxton Jones hadn't been there for five years, everything and everyone was just as she left it. Well, basically everyone. When she pulled into the driveway of her former house, her dad Rich pulled in behind her. "Doesn't look any different, does it?" He asked as he got out of the truck and stood next to her. "Flowers are a little dead." She replied as she looked at the landscaping.

The two walked into the house and saw the empty rooms and dirty walls. "Shit, I see the tenants didn't take very good care of it." Rich commented as he set some bags down. The house was a large home, even for the Northside of Riverdale. "You don't think it's too big for two people?" Braxton asked as she started to make her way up the stairs.

"Maybe a little, but we'll make it work."

When she got to the top of the stairs she turned to go down the hall for her bedroom. As she passed the empty bedrooms that were once occupied by her brother Danny and her cousin Jughead for a short time, she felt all the memories come back. When her family was happy and everyone was together. Now Danny was somewhere on the East coast, her mother Isabelle could care less about her, but her dad was doing his best.

She walked into her room and saw that the purple walls were now an ugly shade of tan and there was no longer carpet. She sat on her bed and looked around. Boxes were stacked up high and her dressers were thrown against one wall from the movers. She was home, but it didn't feel like home.

"Hey, Princess." Her dad said to her as he tapped on her door with his knuckle. "Are you hungry? We can get something to eat before we go get you registered for school. It's been awhile since we have had Pop's."

"I'm not really hungry. I was about to head to the Wyrm."

"The Wrym?" He asked with a sigh and a face full of concern.

"Yeah. Maybe Jug or FP are there."

"Alright fine. I have to run to the hospital and complete a few things for work on Monday. Then we'll head and get you registered, okay?"

Braxton smiled the best fake smile she could to her dad as he kissed her on the head and headed back out her door. She stood up grabbed her car keys out of her purse and headed for the door herself.

Braxton pulled up to the Whyte Wyrm in hopes of seeing her favorite uncle or cousin. When she walked in all eyes turned to her. "Is FP here?" she asked as the door closed behind her. "You can't be here, little girl." A man with long hair told her from behind the bar. "Hey Tall Boy." She said as she walked up to him, "I'm almost hurt you don't remember me." Tall Boy took a long hard look at her and his eyes got wide when he recognized her. "Holy shit, Braxton Jones? Is that you?" He asked.

"Sure is."

"I haven't seen you in years! How are you?"

"Good! Sort of glad to finally be back home."

"Your old man, mom, and brother back too?"

"Just dad and I. The parents split."

"No kidding? Is she still stepping out?"

"With men, drugs, alcohol, women- you name it."

At that time the door to the back office opened and a tired looking FP appeared in the bar. As soon as his eyes landed on Braxton they instantly lit up. "Brax!" he yelled and he quickly made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

Braxton's dad, Howard Ulrich Jones- Rich for short, was the older brother of the one and only FP Jones. They were both Serpents, but the similarities stopped there. FP was the Serpent King. Everyone looked up to him and listened to what he had to say seeing as he lead them. Rich on the other hand, while he's still a member, decided he wanted to make something more of his life and took a different path. His path lead him to medical school.

"Hey FP." She said from his chest.

"So you guys are back, huh?" FP asked as he let her out of his embrace. "Just dad and I. Danny is God knows where and mom didn't seem the least bit into saving their marriage anymore." Braxton told him.

"Yeah, your old man filled me in there. I told him back in high school that she would take him for a ride. I'm just happy to have my girl back though."

"I'm glad to be back." She said as she looked around. "Where's Jug?"

"School. He should be out in about two hours. Care to hang around and wait for him?"

"I wish I could but I can't. Dad and I are going to Southside so I can get enrolled."

"Not going to lie, I was pretty shocked when Rich told me you wanted to go to Southside. I figured you'd want to go to Riverdale High. I was even more shocked when he told me he said yes."

"It took a lot of convincing, Riverdale High just isn't where I want to be. I should get going though. I was thinking about coming back tonight. Will I see you later?"

"Sure will. Tell your old man to come by too! Some Serpents would like to see him, it's been a few years." FP shouted to her as she walked to the door. "I will." She called back before disappearing into the beam of sunlight that flooded in when she opened the door.

The office of Southside High was just as you would expect it to be. Old worn hardwood floors and computer systems from the early 2000's. There was a thin layer of dust on almost everything. And the staff looked less than excited to be there.

The final bell rang for the day and Braxton looked out the wall of windows and saw the students fill into the halls. Through the crowd of people she couldn't help but notice a rather tall handsome boy.

She watched at him for a moment before his gaze finally caught hers. They didn't let go of each other's eyes until the school's secretary cut her focus as she asked for her to sign a form. When Braxton looked back to where he stood, he was no longer there.

"Welcome to Southside High, Miss. Jones. We are very glad to have you here with us." The secretary told her as she handed her a class schedule along with her assigned locker information. Braxton gave her a smile as she took the papers and then followed her dad out to his bike.

"Are you sure you want to go to Southside? The place is such a dump. Wouldn't you rather go to Riverdale?" Rich asked her as he climbed on. Even though Rich was part of the Serpents and still rode his bike like a wild banshee, he insisted on and wanted the best for his children. There was no doubt in his mind the best didn't include the Serpents and the Southside. "Not really." She muttered.

"I just wish you would consider Riverdale for your junior and senior year. It would look a lot better on your transcripts for college. I mean you only have two years left."

"You and mom went here. I think I'll be fine." she protested as she got on behind him. "What are you doing tonight by the way? FP wants you to come by the Wrym."

"He probably just needs a favor."

"What if he just wants to see you?"

"FP never, just wants to see someone." Rich scoffed.

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