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Sunny Side was quiet and most lights in the trailers were off. It was a typical Friday night where everyone would be at the Wyrm shooting pool and taking shots.  Braxton pulled up to the Jones trailer and hopped out of her Jeep. She walked up to the door and knocked. Jughead opened it a few seconds later holding an icepack to his head. He was shirtless and Braxton could see bruises all over his body. "Hey." He mummbled then turned around. He left the door open letting Braxton know she could come in. "What the hell happened?" She asked as she followed him.

"It's nothing."

"It's nothing? The bruises on your abdomen tell me other wise."

Jughead let out a deep sigh as he sunk back into the couch and winced in pain. "I got in the cross fires of the Ghoulies again."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, okay? Just stop."

"Stop what?"

"Constantly worrying about me! I mean, God Braxton. I'm your older cousin, I'm suppose to look out for you, not the other way around!"

"You're like two months older. Besides, the Serpents look out for me. They would you too if you would just-"

"Knock if off with the Serpent shit, would you. It's easy for you, you flaunt yourself around and sleep with Sweet Pea. Then suddenly you're in with everyone, everyone loves you. It's not as easy with me."

"Are you serious?" Braxton snapped back as she stood straight. "You really think the Serpents accept me because I'm with Sweet Pea?"

"It's it obvious? Everyone follows his lead. You're in with him you're in with everyone."

"I can't believe you just said that." She said then turned around to storm out of the trailer to head to the Whyte Wrym. "Braxton, stop. I'm sorry okay." Jughead called out to her.

"Get bent, Jug."  She hollard back. "The Serpents don't accept me because I slept with Sweet Pea. I don't use sex to get what I want, you of all people should know that. The Serpents accept me because I respect them."

She slammed the door behind her and headed for her Jeep.

Sweet Pea and Fangs were shooting pool when Braxton walked through the door of the Wrym. "Jones!" Fangs shouted and she looked at him. She smiled a half smile as she passed them and waved then headed straight for the bathroom. "Is she okay?" Fangs asked Sweet Pea who was putting his stick down to go check on her. "I'll go see whats up, you probably shouldn't go into the girls bathroom, SP." Toni told the boys as she stood up.

Braxton walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. You could tell that she had been crying from being so angry, one of her least favorite traits about herself. The door opened and Toni appeared. "Everything alright?" "Fine." Braxton replied as she wiped her eyes.

"Are we angry crying today or sad crying?"

"Angry. Jug got jumped by the Ghoulies. The slightest mention about the Serpents and he exploded. He then told me the only reason I was accepted by the Serpents is because I flaunted myself and slept with Sweet Pea."

"He's a fucking dick. We liked you way before your relationship with SP." Toni told her as she wiped Braxtons cheek and removed a back smudge. "Good thing you're a pretty crier."

Her comment made Braxton laughed as Toni pulled her in for a hug and said, "Come on, let's go. There's a lonely Pea out there worried about his pod."

The girls made their way back out to the bar and Sweet Pea immediately was by Braxtons side. "You okay?" He asked as he pulled her into him and looped his thumbs through her belt loops of her jeans. "Yeah, I'm good." She replied.

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