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"Move aside you inbread monkeys." Braxton heard someone call from the back of the lunch line. When she turned around she saw the students part like the Red Sea and fair skinned red haired bombshell appeared infront of her. "Braxton!" She shouted then wrapped her arms around her in a hug. "Uhm- Cheryl?" Braxton replied tapping her on the back lightly then pulled away from her.

"I'm so glad to hear your daddy is no longer holding you hostage at that Southside establishment they call a school. It's sweet he's finally allowing you to join us here and Riverdale High. You should come try out for the River Vixens!"

"Actually, Cheryl, I chose to go to Southside."

"So the rumors are true?"

"It's not a rumor anymore then, is it."

"Not so much, no. But still, you should come! I remember that double back tuck from middle school. Impressive. By the way I totally dig the outfit. It's like high class Southside grunge. Cute."

Braxton watched Cheryl as she turned and walked out of the cafeteria. She watched all of the eyes that followed her in both terror and lust. She turned back to the lunch line grabbing an apple and a yogurt then saw Kevin waving her down. "Hey." She said as she walked up to him. "Hey! I usually eat outside. Is that okay with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure."

They made their way to the student patio section, the same spot where Braxton came to talk to Archie to see if the Red Circle jumped Sweet Pea. Once again her steps were followed by cat calls and sexual comments, probably from the same guys who didn't have anything better to do with their day.

The two sat at a white picnic table under a tree away from all of the creeps. "So, how have you been! It's crazy you've been in town for what, four months now, and I haven't seen you once." Kevin said as he unwrapped his sandwich. "I don't really hang around much on the Northside. And if I do I'm usually at home or Pop's." Braxton replied.

"What? I'm always at Pop's! How have I not seen you there."

"I guess I lay low. We're usually at the Wrym or the Quarry more than anything."

"We? Okay so I'll go ahead and ask it. Are you like a Serpent now?"

"No, my dad won't me join until I'm eighteen."

"That's a bummer. I dated a Serpent." Kevin told her proudly.

"No shit?"

"Yeah, Joaquin. Well, we didn't really date though. Whatever it was, it didn't last long. So what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I-" she started to say but was cut off.

"Kev, thank God you're here. I need your help with what I should wear to Nick's party next Saturday." Veronica said as she appeared from around Braxton and sat next to Kevin. "Can I sit here?" Braxton heard a faint voice ask. When she looked up he saw Betty standing there with her tray of food.
"Of course you can, B." Veronica snapped. "This is our table."

"I hate to break up your bitch fit Regina George, but I was just about to get some steep tea on a relationship status." Kevin said. "Whose relationship?" Archie asked walking up.

"Braxton's I presume." Veronica said.

"Oh, alright. Yeah, let's hear it."

Archie held Braxtons eyes before she looked back at Kevin and said, "Sweet Pea."

"You mean that six foot three sex machine? Good God girl, he's a wet dream." Kevin drooled.

Braxton smiled at Kevin and let out a laugh. "Kev, how do you know who Sweet Pea is?" Betty asked. "I saw him around when Joaquin and I hung out." He told her. "I saw him take out two Ghoulies on his own once."

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