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It had been a little over a month since Archie ended his friendship with Braxton and weeks since she last spoke to him that day at Riverdale High School. She was about to head up the stairs to get ready for a shower when she felt her phone going off in her back pocket. When she looked at the screen she saw Archie's name. She thought about rejecting it but answered instead. "Hello?" She said with the phone pressed against her ear. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing, why?"

"Will you meet me at Pop's in ten?"

"What? Are you trying to ruin my life like you did Jugs? I don't think so Andrews."

"No, Jug is on his way too. I have something I want to tell you guys."

"If this is some scheme with your Red Cir-"

"Braxton." He said cutting her off. "I promise, okay? It's not."

"Let me check with my dad." She repsonded then hung up the phone. She walked up the stairs to Rich's office and knocked on the door before opening it. "Hey Princess." He said when she appeared.

"Archie wants to know if I can meet him at Pop's in a few minutes."

"Archie huh? Did you guys talk things out?"

"No, I actually have no idea what he wants."

"Okay, just be back by ten."

Pop's wasnt busy since it was later in the evening but there were a few tables full of teenagers drinking milkshakes and eating burgers. Braxton walked in and the heals of her boots tapped the floor. She saw Archies red hair and walked over to the booth. "Hey." Jughead said as Braxton sat next to him. "Hey." She replied looking at Archie. "Why are we here? Are you wanting to throw more salt on the wound?" "I think Mayor McCoy is going to raid Southside." Archie told them.

"Why do you say that?" Judhead asked.

"I over heard her talking to my dad. She has suspicions that Jingle Jangle is being produced there by the Serpents."

"I told you!" Jughead said as he grabbed Braxtons arm.

"The Serpents don't deal in Jingle Jangle." Braxton snapped shaking Jughead off.

"She doesn't know that though? Look, I get that you're both pissed at me, and I'm sorry, okay? But you're my friends and I care about you."

"Friends don't tell each other they can't be seen with a Southsider. Friends don't deliver a break up message with no regard for the other person's feelings. Friends don't turn their back on each other. I don't have time for your bullshit." Braxton snapped then stood up and walked out of Pops for her Jeep.

Archie turned towards Jughead with a confused look on his face, "All I want to do is help." "You can't help that girl." Jughead laughed. "She's a pure blooded Jones."

It was a tyipcal day at Southside. Students dragged themselves to school after a night of no sleep and a lot of alcohol consumption. Weed and JJ filled the halls. Jughead was meeting with Mr. Phillips about an article for the Red and Black and Braxton was on her way to find her boyfriend to amend their last argument.

As she walked down the halls she spotted him leaned up against Fangs locker waiting for him and looking at his phone. "Hey." She said walking up to him. "Hey." He replied. "Can we talk?"

"There's no need. I'm sorry for snapping on you. I was just upset and I took it out on you."

"Is everything okay? Because you can talk to me, Brax, you always can."

"I know. And I will, okay?"

"Why can't you now?"

"Because I-" she started to say but Jughead called out to her cutting her off. "Braxton! Archie wants us to meet him outside!" Sweet Pea looked down at her narrowing his eyes as she rolled hers and said, "What the hell is he doing here? Just give me five, okay?"

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