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After much convincing from Braxton, Rich headed to the Wrym for his first Friday night with the Serpents in years. Braxton stayed behind so she could unpack more and get a shower.

She stood in her room and looked into the mirror. No matter how chaotic her life may be, her appearance was always in order. Serpent may have been in her blood, but her dad raised her like a Northsider. She was sporting her satin leather pants, oversized black t-shirt that was tied at the waist with a blue jean shirt and her black booties. Her long blonde hair was curled and her eye liner was winged sharp like the words that rolled off her tongue.

 Her long blonde hair was curled and her eye liner was winged sharp like the words that rolled off her tongue

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When she walked into the Wyrm she looked around hoping to see Jughead but he was nowhere to be seen. She walked up to the bar where she was greeted by a Serpent with pink hair. "Can I help you?" She asked her confused as she assumed she was lost. Braxton smiled at her and said, "I'm looking for Jughead Jones."



"He doesn't hang around here much. Claims he isn't the Serpent type."

Braxton wasn't shocked by the words of the pink haired girl. Jughead had never been interested in the Serpents. She went to Riverdale Middle School growing up. Jughead begged and begged to go to the same school but FP always told him no, that they couldn't afford it. It wasn't until Jughead moved in with his aunt and uncle that he was able to finally go to school with his cousin on the Northside.

Braxton looked back to the girl behind the bar as she said, "I'm Toni Topaz." "Braxton Jones." She replied.

"Oh, so you're Rich's kid, right?"

"I am."

"FP told me you two were moving back. He mentioned you live on the Northside?"

"Yeah, I'll be going to Southside though."

"What? Don't feel like going to the school for the rich and entitled?" She laughed.

"Not really. I went to middle school there and never really felt like I fit in. I mean, I had Jug and-"

"Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper, and Kevin Keller?" Braxton gave Toni a confused looked not sure how she knew who her old friends were. "Jug still hangs out with them." Toni added.

"No surprise there. He was always pretty fond of Betty."

"You have no idea."

Out of nowhere there was a loud crash and people were yelling from behind Braxton. She turned around on her bar stool to see a table flipped over, glass shattered on the floor, and a tall Serpent that gripped the shirt of another Serpent with his other hand cocked back.

"Sweet Pea!" Toni shouted and the large Serpent looked over at her. "Let Fangs go."

He laughed and let go of Fangs who smacked Sweet Pea on the arm as he stood straight. Sweet Pea started to walk their way and Braxton recognized him instantly. It was the same student she saw through the glass at Southside.

As he reached the bar Toni handed him a broom and dust pan so he could clean up the mess he made. He took it from her and looked at Braxton. "What's up?" He said in a deep gravled voice with a half smile. She looked back into his deep brown eyes before he walked away. "Fucking idiots." Toni muttered under her breath.

Braxton's eye followed him. She saw him walk up to smaller Serpent, say something, and the two busted up laughing. "He was about to kick his ass and now they are laughing as if nothing happened?" Braxton questioned as she watched them.

"Sweet Pea and Fangs are best friends. One second they are laughing and the next you have to stop them from trying to kill each other."

Braxton turned back around to face Toni and said, "Can I get a whiskey, please?" Toni smiled and nodded her head as she grabbed a glass and filled it with ice. Even though Rich was uptight, he wasn't strict when it came to drinking and that had always confused Braxton.

The Whyte Wyrm was just as she remembered. Serpents filled the chairs and smoke of all kinds filled the air. The pool tables were always lined with quarters from those who "got the winner".

"So how long have you been gone?" Toni asked Braxton as she brought her attention back to Earth. "I'm sorry?" Braxton replied.

"Well, FP mentioned that you guys moved back. I wasn't sure how long it's been."

"Oh, about five years."

"Are you excited to be back?"

"For a lack of better words. It's good to be home again."

"FP is pretty excited. I think it'll be good for him to have you and your old man around. Him and Jug just don't see eye to eye."

"They never did. Same for him and my dad."

"Your dad and FP?"

"Yeah. My dad isn't to keen on the Serpent thing either. He wasn't exactly thrilled to come here tonight."

"Shit, that must suck. What about you? What do you think about the Serpents?"

"Serpent is in my blood, one day I'll be sworne in. Just can't be before eighteen. My dad's rules."

Braxton sat and talked to Toni for about an hour before Fangs walked up and sat in the open bar stool next to her. "You're a new face. Name's Fangs Foggarty." He said as he held out his hand. "I'm Braxton Jones." She replied taking it.

"Jones? You another one of FP's kids?"

"No, I'm his niece."

"Oh, that's cool."

Braxton turned around and faced everyone in the bar. When she did she saw that Sweet Pea was watching them. "Who's your friend?" She asked Fangs.

"Oh, that's Sweet Pea."

The tall Serpent started to make his way over to them. When he was a few feet away he extended the pool cue he was holding out to Fangs and said, "Your turn." He slid off the stool grabbing it and walked over to the table to take his shot. Sweet Pea took Fang's place on the stool, looked at Braxton and said, "I saw you earlier at school, right?"

"Yeah, I was getting registered."

"So you'll be going to Southside?"

"Sure will."

"Are you sure a pretty little thing like you will be able to handle my school?"

Braxton looked at Sweet Pea and felt her cheeks get a little hot, shocked at what he had just said to her. He had no idea who she was or what she was like. She looked at him with a sweet smile and said, "I don't know. Your handsome self seems to handle it just fine. I think I'll be okay." She finished off what was left of her whiskey and put a twenty down on the bar top. "Thanks, Toni." she called and slid off the stool and headed for the door.

She scanned the Wrym as she looked for Rich. When she spotted him he was already looking her way. She motioned towards the door and he noded knowing that she was headed home.

Toni looked at Sweet Pea and said, "I like that girl, she has attitude. It's kind of hot." Sweet Pea laughed and said, "Back off cotton candy. I saw her first."

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