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It was seven thirty and the Wyrm was packed wall to wall with Serpents. Braxton pushed her way over to the pink haired girl who was sitting on a bar stool and said, "Why are there so many people here?" "Monthly pool tournament." Toni told her. "Last Monday of every month they get together and have a tournament."

Braxton scanned the room as she looked for Sweet Pea. When her eyes met his her heart jumped when he smiled and waved at her. She smiled back then returned her attention to Toni who was watching them.

"Why the hell aren't you two together yet?" She asked Braxton. "Why put a lable on it?" She replied but was actually wondering the same thing. She was dying to be with Sweet Pea, but she knew that relationships weren't his thing.

Braxton watched Tall Boy as he sank the yellow soild into the side pocket when out of the corner of her eye she saw Britt Boyer as she made her way to Sweet Pea with a beer in hand. When she got closer she handed it to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Sweet Pea smirked at her then quickly turned his attention back to the pool tables.

"That slut has been after him since summer." Toni grunted through her teeth. "What are you talking about?" Braxton asked prenteding like she didn't see.

"Britt and SP. He lead her on for a few weeks then only used her to his disposal, it's disgusting."

All night Britt hung around Sweet Pea. At first Braxton ignored it because after all, he wasn't her boyfriend and he never told her he was exclusive to her. But the more alcohol Britt consumed, the more she touched him, and the more she touched him the more Braxton became annoyed.

Sweet Pea caught the eyes of Braxton a few times and he could tell that she was becoming jealous. He could tell that it was bothering her. And like any typical Serpent, he loved it.

Britt was sitting on his lap when she started to kiss him on the exposed part of his neck. It was the final straw for Braxton. "I have to go." She told Toni as she grabbed her jacket and slid it over her shoulders. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"Home. I didn't come here to watch trashy foreplay."

Toni's eyes immediately shifted over to Sweet Pea who watched Braxton as she walked out. He immediately pushed Britt off his lap and ran outside to follow her.

"Where the hell are you going?" He called out to her but she ignored him. "Brax." He called again but she kept on walking. He took off running to catch up with her. As soon as she made it to her Jeep she pulled the door open but Sweet Pea pushed it shut with his hand. "What?" She snapped as she turned around to face him. "Is everything okay?" He asked with his hand still on the door and leaned over her.

"Yeah? Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know, why are you leaving?"

"I don't feel like sticking around for the show."

With the look Braxton had on her face he immediately knew what she was getting at. "Are you talking about Britt?" He asked her. "Who the hell else would I be talking about?" She replied.

"Braxton I told you she means nothing to me."

"It doesn't change that fact that you let her hang all over you like a damn pocket monkey."

"Are you jealous?"

"I'm not your girlfriend. Why would I be jealous?"

"That's not what I asked." Sweet Pea replied with a light laugh.

Braxton looked away from him, she didn't find any humor in the situation herself. She crossed her arms across her chest and let out a sigh as she leaned against her Jeep door that was still being held shut by Sweet Peas hand.

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