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By three thirty, Sweet Pea finally rolled over awake. He had a hang over from hell and didn't remember much about the night prior. He walked out to the living room and headed for the kitchen. As he started to brew a pot of coffee, Isabelle walked in. "Morning." He said to her in a groggy tone. It had been awhile since he had gotten that drunk. "Afternoon." She replied. "Did Braxton stay with a friend last night?"

"I'm pretty sure she came home. FP said Rich drove her."

"Oh? I don't recall her ever getting in." Isabelle had a confused look on her face.

"Maybe he took her to the house. I'll give her a call."

He walked back to his room and as he did he dialed her number. The phone rang twice and went straight to voice mail. He left her a voicemail and sent a text before he took a fast shower while his coffee brewed.

When he was done and checked his phone once more the message was read but she never replied. He quickly got dressed and as he walked back to the kitchen he called her again only for it to be rejected. He grew paranoid. It wasn't like her to blow him off and he couldn't shake the feeling something was going on.

He sent her another text to see if she would read it. After waiting a few moments and pouring himself a cup of coffee, he called her one last time only for it to instantly be sent to voicemail. Her phone had been turned off.

He quickly dialed Rich's phone which was answered within seconds. "Have you talked to Danny?" He boomed over the speaker phone. "No sir, I haven't." Sweet Pea told him as he sat the phone on the counter. "Have you talked to Braxton?"

"Not since I dropped her off last night at the Pembrooke. Why?"

"She isn't here. Isabelle doesn't remember if she ever came home that night."

"She doesn't remember? How in the hell does she not remember? Was she asleep?"

"No, I wasn't asleep." Isabelle said as she walked into the kitchen. "I just reviewed the apartments surveillance and she never stepped foot through that door. The front lobby is gathering video from the halls now."

"Did you hear that?" Sweet Pea asked Rich.

"I sure did." He told him, they could tell that Rich was pissed. "This is impossible. I watched her walk inside the building. Isabelle you were home right? I didn't leave until I made sure she was safely inside."

"Did you see her to the apartment?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Sweet Pea, why the hell would I have to see my daughter to her apartment when she lives in one of the most secured complexes in all of Riverdale."

"Let's not over react, okay? Maybe once inside she decided to head over to Veronica's or something. I'll check that out now." Isabelle told the guys and quickly made her way over to the door and out of the apartment.

Once Rich heard the door shut he let out a sigh over the line and said, "Are there tracks on her arm or an empty bottle of wine anywhere?" Sweet Pea grew uncomfortable. "Mr. Jones, I don't-"

"How does she not remember if her daughter came home? Just check her arms please." Sweet Pea was silent. He didn't know what to say and didn't want in the middle of it. "Fine. I'm on my way over. I'll be there in ten." And the line went dead.

On his ride over to Pembrooke, Rich tried to call FP, but he didn't answer. He tried to call Jughead, but he didn't answer. He tried Archie, Betty, Alice, and even Gladys, but no one answered. His children were missing and he was growing irate.

He charged into the apartment and saw Isabelle and Sweet Pea sitting on the couch. Isabelle was crying and Sweet Pea sat with his hands folded together his head down. He headed straight to the kitchen so he could check the garbage for alcohol bottles. "Richard, what the hell are you doing?" Isabelle demanded as she followed behind him. "How the hell does a mother not remember if her child came home the night before." He snapped as slammed the garbage cabinet drawer shut.

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