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It was late Tuesday night and Braxton hadn't heard from Sweet Pea since he told her the day before that he was too busy to go to Pop's. She checked her phone constantly and stayed up late hoping he would text her, but he never did. When she woke up the next morning she still had her phone in hand and no text from Sweet Pea.

She dragged herself out of bed and took a shower to get ready for school. "Morning princess." Her dad called to her as she walked down the stairs. "How much longer are you working the night shift? I'm getting tired of being here alone at night." She asked as she gave him a hug good morning.

"Hard to tell. Dr. Underwood just had a baby so she's out twelve weeks."

"Twelve weeks!"

"She had a C-section. Two weeks down ten to go. Maybe we can get a dog or something ?"

"You really want to get a dog?"

"Not really, no." He laughed after he thought about it. "What are your plans for Saturday?"

"Nothing right now. Why what's up?"

"I have a date, wasn't sure if you'll be here."

"What!" Braxton said sounding shocked. "A date? With who?"

"Just and old friend, no big deal."

"No big deal? Dad you haven't been on a date in years." She looked down at her phone and saw that she was running behind for school. "Shit, I have to get going though or I'll be late. We'll revisit this."

"Hey." He called to her as she headed towards the door.


"Are you okay with this? Me dating?"

"Your happiness is all that I care about. I may not have known what exactly went down with you and mom. But what I do know is she didn't make you happy, and you deserve it.

"I love you, princess"

"I love you too, daddy."

The whole way to school Braxton watched her phone waiting for a text. "Maybe he isn't awake yet." She thought to herself to feel better. She put her phone in her cup holder as she pulled into the schools parking lot and she heard her ringtone go off. She quickly grabbed her phone putting it up to her ear and said "Hello?" "Hey!" Toni's voice came over the phone. "What are you doing today? I was thinking we could go shopping. I need new boots."



"Yeah, that sounds fine. I'll pick you up after school." Braxton could hear Sweet Pea's deep voice in the background and her stomach sank.

"Everything okay?"

"Ya, I'm fine. I just got to school so I've got to go. I'll swing by the Wyrm at 3:30. Okay?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

Braxton let out a deep sigh and rested her head back against her head rest. Never before did she let a guy not talking to her bother her. But everything with Sweet Pea was just so different.

As she stood at her locker putting her things away Kevin walked up beside her drinking an energy drink. "Long night?" She asked looking at the can in his hand. "Something like that." He replied then took a drink.

Down the hall you could hear Cheryl yelling at a freshman for walking out in front of her. Most of the hallway hushed to hear what she had to say while others hurried off to their first class. "What do you think it is that makes her think she's so superior?" Braxton asked as she closed her locker and looking down towards the scene she was making. "Maple syrup." He replied then took another drink.

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